Education System vs Public Interest
Encouraging and implementing the photographic memory in school
Education’s War on Change…
Educators are steadfast when it comes to implementation of reading as the vehicle for
gaining information and testing as the method for calculating
student ability to retain what they have read. But testing in a clinical sense does not encourage usability of the information gained. The
Education System is a bureaucracy
and does not allow for changes to be implemented, and better ways of
learning are discouraged. Any better method for learning should be
prepared with vast reserves for the long drawn out battle towards
This article at times may present opinions, as this is a highly charged
and passionate topic. This short dissertation accounts for a collection
of experiences and parameters that are commonly known and predicated
within the Education Community at large. The description of measures
suggested here does not take into account the actions of all schools at
all times, nor does it consider the opinion of individual teachers and
administrators. There are exceptions found for every circumstance
mentioned here. If there is a school system willing to incorporate such a
progressive learning environment, please step forward. We can engage
further discussions towards unimpeded implementation.
Education takes Draconian Approach to Students using Photographic Memory
The #Education industry decided many generations ago to allow the
creation of a normalized platform where students can easily be
tested and graded in accordance to a standard based on their peers. This normalized platform uses
at its core for the gathering and accumulation of information and
knowledge. Outside of reading it does not allow for other forms of
information gathering; namely the photographic memory, or
eidetic memory.
The primary directive that is used for teaching reading is the same
reason people stop using their innate ability, the photographic memory
they were born with. To make the teaching of reading easier, the
directive is meant to discredit the photographic memory as ineffective
and immature. Up until such time, the dominant vehicle for learning, the
#PhotographicMemory / #EideticMemory is highly effective and maturity
does not play a part whether a person uses it or not.
Therefore, the education system, finds no fault in ignoring the
existence of the photographic memory, as it does not fit within their
design. Educators have found comfort in
exonerating themselves;
vindication of
inhibiting people and discrediting the ongoing use of the photographic memory freely into adulthood, as
only reading serves the function of their standardized platform they can test upon.
Show and Tell – I have a Photographic Memory!
What if a
school student demonstrates their ability to use their photographic memory to excel, and makes a mockery of conscious level testing? To educators, this is a “be damned” situation. It is found to be both practical and manipulative to elevate the one
exceptional student (
to stand on a pedestal for the normal students to admire, rather than
to admonish the eidetiker for being exceptional and not normal like the
rest of the students.
This act is likely to produce a schism between the eidetiker and
their peers. In taking these actions, the educators may be using peer
pressure to create a
sense of mistrust,
malevolence, and even
by said “normal” students in a misdirected effort to coerce the
eidetiker to change their ways. It can forever harm the self-esteem and
confidence of the eidetiker/student. It is of no surprise that many
people that naturally use their photographic memory do so in secret, as
they do not want others to know their
natural abilities.
Students using Photographic Memory Accused of Cheating
An alternative route for educators to use is the accusatory statement, stating the student must be
Many students that do use their photographic memory have been charged
with cheating from time to time by their teachers. When the
teacher asks,
“How did you cheat?”, instead of asking,
“Did you cheat?”, it is clear they have not considered there to be an alternative reason for a student suddenly having a superior
test taking ability. Likewise, other students may be motivated to get involved enforcing the
police action on the accused eidetiker.
Testing – Manipulation of Industry Results
Testing is based upon reading. The photographic memory is not included in this type of testing.
Most schools exhibit 30% or more of its students to be
learning deficit, especially with reading. Some of these students just find it difficult, while others find it impossible to read.
Education sacrificed for money…
government grants for schools are in part
based on the percentage of students that are learning deficit.
Therefore, it is in the school’s best interest to have a high amount of
students that fit the learning deficit profile. The school in turn gets
more money. Most onlookers would recognize this as a conflict of
interest. The school would be positioned to gain money if they did
teach the deficit students to be no longer learning deficit. As well,
if they taught the learning deficit students well, for them to no longer
be learning deficit, then the school loses money for a lower percentage
of learning deficit students.
Testing systems are set to justify school’s position
Testing systems are most often set up to have a specific number of
failures to justify the number of non-failures. In this model, if there
are not enough failures, the tests are manipulated to make them more
difficult, so the numbers turn out correct for the Pass/Fail ratio. This
system is highly flawed, as there is no consideration for the merit of
the students involved. In a perfect school, where there were no learning
difficulties, this would really cause the teaching staff to worry. But
since there is at least 30% of non-readers or students with reading
problems, it makes it easy to justify the numbers at the end of the day.
The irony is this gives the education industry an easy out for the
politically charged question of “
Outcome Based Pay for Teachers”. The educators could be sacrificing
great minds because it simply does not want to deal with students that learn differently.
Your Environment Impacts Your Grades
Grading is based on
station in life; the Haves and
Have-nots. Students that have been nurtured more in life have an
advantage over others in most areas. The Haves may have better
spelling, and
math skills. If nutritionally provided will likely have better
mental processing abilities and
motor skills. Likewise, they will be inclined to be
better in athletic abilities.
All these things lend to a likable and “lucky” environment for the
student to make their way through school and life. Compelling a
competitive environment with others is easier when you tend to have the
clear advantage. Even if the lucky student doesn’t realize it,
subconsciously, they will naturally feel more confident and
When students present themselves well to others, including their
teachers, they will be treated better, while the have-nots will not be
treated as well. The lucky students raise themselves up literally on the
backs of the underprivileged.
Dyslexia – the equalizer
Dyslexia is not prejudice. It does not affect only a certain group.
Dyslexia treats
everyone equally. If you have dyslexia, it can take on many forms.
There are 7 different types of dyslexia; all at varying degrees of
severity. A person could be affected by more than 1 type. Some dyslexia
is difficult to test for. Quite often dyslexia is misdiagnosed as
ADD or
due to behavioral issues. The treatments for Dyslexia and ADD are quite
different. It is very important that the symptoms presented are
diagnosed properly.
Dyslexics usually find it difficult to impossible to read. The words
on the page can be doing many different things. It can lead to
illiteracy. If a
does have the ability to read some, then they will usually be
considered poor readers and/or poor performers. This will lead to a
in their capacity to compete freely with other students that do not
have the issue. Likewise, you most likely will see an undermining of
their confidence and self-esteem. Some students look for weakness to
bully them, as they are an
easy victim. This can have an impact on their entire life.
Most people that have #Dyslexia only find out it is a problem when
they enter school or learn how to read. Suddenly, they are not able to
do the same things as their classmates. But why did it not show up as a
problem before that time? Up until you go to school and learn how to
read, you use the eidetic memory you are born with. Famous people with
eidetic memory works on all sensory levels. There is over 10 times more
information that is processed by vision than all of the other senses
combined. This has led to the fabrication of using “photographic memory”
instead of eidetic memory, which is a difficult word to remember. It is
also suggests why 65% of people are
visual learners, above all other
types of learning.
Dyslexics Rise Above Using Photographic Memory
Dyslexics sometimes show an unusual resiliency. Dyslexics typically
do not have the problem before going to school. Up until that time they
had been using their natural eidetic memory they were born with. So, if
a dyslexic wants to
master information, then why not
revert back to what worked so well before – their photographic memory!
Since the photographic memory is more effective than reading, then it
may be their best option to follow.
Dyslexics also invent their own personal systems that work for them
specifically. The ability to innovate comes from a sense of need, and in
this way strongly suggests when compared to their peers, dyslexics may
actually have a higher
IQ than average. Most dyslexics
force their mind to evaluate their circumstances, and create solutions
to their specific problems. Could dyslexia even be considered an
step in a positive direction, since they are forced to use more
efficient ways of dealing with information and use their photographic
The Education system and the regulation of testing
Tests are typically rated by percentages on a
sliding scale or
design. The stated purpose for this is for the teacher to see how the
tests given are received by the students. If the results come in too
high, then the test should be adjusted to be more difficult. And if the
tests scores are coming in too low overall, then the test should be
adjusted to be easier. Making tests harder or easier defeats the purpose
of testing, and sounds rather unrealistic.
What most people think testing should be about:
Most people think that testing should be the amount of usable
knowledge the student has acquired from the class and from the teacher
teaching the class. Likewise, if a teacher is good at presenting the
contents of the class, then the student should also be able to test out
with higher scores. But the result in higher test scores will skew the
test graph, thus indicating the test should be made harder. If the tests
are made more difficult the amount of people failing may also go up.
There is no incentive for the teacher to teach anything other than a
middle of the road,
class. Otherwise there will be questions asked by the administration
and perhaps quite a bit of extra work adapting the tests to accommodate
his teaching ability.
On a school-wide basis one superior class would not play much of a
part, but if there were a significant number of classes taught that
created a lot of
exemplary results, then it could upset
the balance for the government funding and grants, and could
significantly widen the qualitative learning gap for the learning
deficit students. The gap between the Haves and Have-nots widens.
Impact on Grades
Headline –
“Failing Students Suddenly Jump Grade Scores to As and Bs – Cheating Suspected”
The educational system would go into
complete failure if
students used their innate photographic memory they were born with
instead of reading. The entire teaching / testing structure would be
thrown into chaos.
We have calculated if children were taught to maintain and advance
their eidetic memory while learning to read, then students would gain
enough information to
graduate High School by the age of 9 or 10, have their first
college degree by 11 or 12, and should easily gain
Masters or Doctorates
by the time they are 16 or 17. What hope would a teacher have of
keeping up with them? That means teachers would have to learn how to how
to develop photographic memory as well.
As for the
educational administration: We would not see
overcrowded classes ever again. Instead you would see
guiding a set group of 5 – 7 students. “Teachers” struggling to
maintain control over a class of 40 or more students would be a thing of
the past. However, the role of
school teacher would be changed forever. Educators would throw their
obsolete syllabus out the window.
Just think what it would be like, and how many problems could be solved, if we have a society filled with
highly intelligent people!
Even though this sounds very idealistic, people look at how they will
be personally affected by such a thing happening, and many will see this
as a threat. Educators, too see this as a threat to the established way
teaching is done.
Reactions we expect from the established educational structure:
- Go quiet, don’t acknowledge it, and hope it goes away.
- Pure outright rebellion – The BIG “NO”.
- Organizing parent organizations to stand against such changes by playing on their fears.
These are only the first obvious steps. There will most likely be other forms of intervention as well.
What do people want?
Most people think it would be incredibly positive that their children
be taught in the best possible way, to make them the best person they
can be for the rest of their life.
Parents wonder as to why the educational system would turn away such a huge advantage in
advancing education to a whole new level. Parents wonder why educators cannot do the “Right Thing” for their children. When
money, and
fear of change are the reasons for the education industry to stand firm upon, then parents do see
the injustice of a failed system.
Even with the
Intellectual Revolution upon
them, Educators do not have a motivating force to move them to change.
They are steadfast in their resolve, and like the stone statues from the
past, they are
unmovable and they demonstrate
no remorse. They feel
justified to keep students away from their true potential, to have them
walk in darkness. All they would need to do to get the ball rolling is say, “
We were wrong.”
Shannon Panzo, PhD