Friday, November 20, 2020

10 Best Dressed Men in the Whitehouse – Trumped Up Controversial Fashion Leader


It is all about Trump

The reason I am writing to you today is there seems to be a loss of perspective when it comes to Donald Trump, the newest President of the United States of America. Yes, he does have a bold, brash, and sometimes caustic way of dealing with things. This tends to polarize people to be for or against him. What I am offering to you today is to look at things from a different perspective. The lesson here is, “things are not always what they seem”. In the end. It is still up to you to decide what you believe is right for you.

A Roller Coaster Ride Follows Donald Trump’s Success

People often forget in the past, the United States of America has had plenty of controversial leaders. However, today, we are more connected than ever before.  This lends availability to antagonists to be heard when they would never have been heard in the past. News no longer takes days. It is immediate and caustic. Rebuttals, Protests, and angry people paint the picture of dire consequences through Social Media and the Internet.

Get More Info :  10 Best Dressed Men in the Whitehouse – Trumped Up Controversial Fashion Leader