Thursday, September 28, 2017


Pondering Freedoms…

The world has shifted around a little since I first published this article. It just seems a little more dangerous by common standards, both in deed and in the freedom of speaking aloud about certain subjects. It seems just yesterday, others would honor your opinion, even if they disagreed with it. Now, you can be labeled a radical simply by re-reporting what the nightly news told the world about.
The cry of “heresy” to divided opinionseems to signal the erosion and eventual death of the freedomsyou still have. If this comes true, the results are dire for the world at large. Only the will of the people can change this perception. It is time for the people to act; to stop the further loss of freedom and regain whatever they can of the freedoms that have already been taken away. Great authors of the past have written about “Big Brother” watching over you and guiding your movements. If people want that as their desired reality, then they do not need to lift a finger. It will simply take place. The gears are already turning.
If you are not sure about what I am talking about, mentally turn back the clock at least 15 years. Think about how your attitude, perception, and opinions were about the people, places, and things around you. Look how those same things have changed. That should give you at least a fuzzy picture. Look for what has changed; what is different.
As you celebrate Independence Dayin the USA, (Other countries recognize there own version of this holiday.) It is important to remember what it really is all about. Why did all those people loose their life during wars? By the loss of life, freedoms were gained. Those freedoms should not be given up easily. By doing so, we disgrace the people that laid down their lives to earn those freedoms. The war is already underway, and you probably do not even realize it. It is a war of attritionof your willpower. It is up to each and every one of us to choose.

Independence and Freedom

Ask yourself, what does Independence mean and Freedommean to you? Is it something you cherish, or is it something you say with offhand disregard?
Independenceis defined as being freeof that which binds you, or your freedomfrom obstacles that inhibit progress. WOW!
So what are the things that inhibit your progress, bind you, or prevent you from being free? I believe your list would be very long. So let’s narrow the parameters a little to see where it takes us.
Since this is, we should narrow it to your mind, your mental process, your beliefs, your inhibitionsetc. In other words, what or who manipulates you or inhibits the way you think about things.
One of the easiest ways for you to be inhibited or prevent yourself from doing things that you want to do, or being the person you really want to be, is fear. The fear resides within you. But in most circumstances that fear did not originally come from you. It was given to you from something or someone else.
Most times these fears are installed in us from people. It may seem harmless in the way it is approached. People may say things like, “You don’t want to be that way. What will other people think?”Other people can be ‘that way’, and often they are. But you will take it on board that you should not be ‘that way’, because of someone’s opinion.
I can give you a clear example of what I am saying. I will use an example from past times, so don’t beat me up with nostalgia. Let’s start with you and your best friend walking down the street. You see someone you recognize and you remark how “cool”that person is. Your friend answers, “You don’t want to be like that.”As time goes on, no matter what it relates to, anytime you mention something is “cool”, your friend upends you.
It’s time for a decision. Either you decide to be cool, like cool things, and do cool things, or you decide to keep your friend, be un-cool and do only un-cool things. More than likely, from that point on, any time in your life, cool things will automatically be rejected by you. Yes, I know,… it is a little over simplified but is an example. It’s not set in stone.

Mental Exercise

Look back in your past memoriesin your mindand find events that turned your attention to a different direction. These can still inhibit you today. These are the things that block your progress. They restrict your freedom and limit your independence.
Examples of Freedom:
You can be an independent person if you choose to. If you want your independence back, your freedom to choose for yourself, then you need a system that supports your efforts and gives you the ability to move yourself, and your mind, in that direction.
From my educated point of view, you need information; lots of it, and you also need a device that will assist you in manifesting change in your life. It would also help if you had a way to exercise your brain, make it stronger, and clear of the cobwebs for better decision making.
You must be thinking right now. “There must be some type of system that does all these things, and can truly help me gain independence and freedom; to be more the person I want to be.”
Well, guess what? There just happens to be an independence freedom machinevery close at hand. It’s easy to use as well. Have you ever heard of ZOX Pro Training? What about Brain Management?
Are you tired of not being the vibrant independent person you believe you should be. Here is your chance. CHANGE IT!
Yes, you can obtain the freedom you truly deserve. Learn to create your independence in your mind first. Then it will show up in all aspects of your life. Free yourself!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Share the Health, Share the Wealth – Your Brain Health

Share the Health, Share the Wealth

Your brain relies on your health to function properly. Your health depends upon your brain to send out instructions that maintain your health. To get the most out of life, you should pay close attention to both of these. They are integrally connected. Without one, the other ceases to exist. You can create your own miracles when you know how to use your mind to direct your health information and well-being.

“An army marches on its stomach.” – Napoleon Bonaparte 

Your brain works much better when you feed it proper nutrition. Your brain controls and connects to every part of your body. For all of those billions, perhaps trillions, of connections, functions, and duties your brain must do daily, you should take care of feeding it properly. Your brain consumes more oxygen than any other part of your body. It uses that oxygen to fuel all of the action that is taking place. It is the General of your army – your body, your mind; and yes – your health.

The connection to your body, your health, and your mind are all too relevant to ignore. To ignore the health aspect of Brain Management is undeniable.  How could you conceive you would be at your best if you are not taking steps to feed your brain. To ignore either your health or your brain, puts both at risk. They are forever linked to support each other.

Bless Yourself Healthy

So, as you are taking time to feed your brain the proper nutrition for maximum output, you may be thinking how to go about directing your health likewise. To direct health and healing is simply done with programming, or telling your mind how to think, to manipulate your body to a positive reaction. In other words, instructing your body to heal. Have you ever heard someone say, “I wish you well”, or “Bless you”. Both are customary ways to wish another person to have good health. You can do this same type of thing for yourself, through programming.

The Payoff…

When your brain is working at its’ optimum, everything about you and the things you do become better and easier to achieve. For example, how do you feel after the “big night out, possibly having too much to drink or eating foods you may not be accustomed to. Most people would not feel too good, nor would they feel like taking on a lot of mental tasks. If you balance out the revelry with moderation and limit your personal intake, you will not have the mountain to climb as you wake the next morning, and you will still have energy to burn. As always, the choice is yours.

Everyone relates well with successful people – winners. You may be one, or you may look up to them. You may strive to be one. If your brain is not functioning as well as it should, then you will have a much harder climb. WINNERS EAT WELL TO SUCCEED. Of course there are other things involved as well.

Miracle of Evolution – Your Brain

For clarity, the human brain and body is one of the most complex organisms on the planet. How we ever got to this point in our evolution is a miracle in itself. Due to the complex nature of our design, there are plenty of things that can go wrong, or break down, as we go through life. We can repair and replace much of that which does go wrong, and some things we cannot fix.

When you takes steps to prepare your brain to assist you directly in the undertakings of maintaining your health problems, you take a proactive stance to make things better. Feeding yourself with proper nutrition gives your brain the best ability to assist your efforts in everything you do.

You are Starving – Depleted Nutrient Food 

Most of you have heard about the basic things that you should do to get it right. You have heard about your electrolytes, antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, and so on. Today I am going to take you one step further – Microelements and minerals.

Microelements and Minerals – Immortality Elixir

There are over 74 naturally occurring minerals that were present at the dawn of time in the primordial soup and prehistoric oceans all life on this planet came from. Therefore, the plants that lived during that time also took up these types of minerals into their stems and leaves, which remained there after they died.

The more complex the organisms became, the higher number of the naturally occurring elements and minerals were used for purposes within the organism. For instance, without sulphur, your skin would not be as resilient, unless there was another element that your body would use instead to produce the same result. Sulphur is plentiful, so is not really a big concern.

What about selenium. Without  selenium you are naturally at risk of disease. It affects your ability to fight off infections and maladies. It supports your immune system. You only need a tiny amount to take care of all of the functions it supports. How many other microelements support functions of your body without you knowing it?

Production Intensive Farming…

Overuse of intensive planting and harvesting of crops has robbed the soil of its trace elements. The trace elements that used to be in the plants are no longer available. They have moved up and out of the food chain, but have not been replenished to the soil. This has led to large populations of the Earth to be starving from within; leading to much obesity from overeating. Unfortunately, most people do not realize this.

What if there was a way in which you could reach back in time to where it all began, the primordial soup, the ancient grasses and plants, so rich with these organically produced minerals and microelements we just cannot find in food, no matter how much we eat. What if there were certain vitamins and minerals in the primordial soup that could make you feel better, heal disease, and make you a healthier person. What would that be worth to you? Would you take your cup and reach back through time to get your share?

The Good News…

No, you do not need to build a time machine. There are stockpiles of these microelements and minerals that have been stored away for over 70 million years – in the fossilised remains of the plants from that time. These are available for you today, and should be at the top of your list for healthy living. Healthy living gives you a better brain to gain your successes. Please visit this site for more information on these unique minerals:
I wish you all well!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mind to Mind – Straight from the heart!

Mind to Mind – Straight from the heart!

mind to mind I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life helping people find their way through life. I am thankful that I have had at my disposal the same system that I share with others “Brain Management“. But there is one thing that is absolute magic at the very core of the Brain Management teaching – “Mental Photography“.

 I use the Brain Management system to help myself in the same way I teach others to do the same for themselves. The reason that I am still training people to use Brain Management and Mental Photography is that I see how it has helped so many other people. If it didn’t work, I sure wouldn’t be sharing it with others.

There are countless benefits that people achieve by using it.You can read about some of those in other areas of the blog.

The point I want to make is that YOU should take it upon yourself to find out what this is. You owe it to yourself. Even if you choose to do nothing, you at least will have gained the information that it actually does exist and is available for you.

If you don’t have the information, how do you ever expect to make proper decisions?

You see, the ‘dirty little secret‘ that school kept from you is Mental Photography. School teaches you out of using it. Mind To Mind ( is all about revealing secrets to you – so that you can make proper decisions for yourself.

For more info. Advanced Learning