Sunday, April 29, 2018


Are My Beliefs Stopping Me?

Brain Management: Overcome Your Beliefs

You may have heard the saying:
“YOU are the only thing that is keeping YOU from achieving your goals.”
Some of you may wonder how you can prevent yourself from becoming wealthy when you do the best that you can.  The simple fact is that when you were young, you had people instructing you on the ways of the world.  Some of the things they told you were wrong.

Two Truisms as Examples

Money Corrupts

I would say that the LACK of money is what is corrupting minds of peopleand forcing them to act the way they do, for instance, feeling forced to commit crimes.  But in truth, greed is what causes us to believe money is never enough.  Remember, wealthcomes in many forms.  Be sure you choose the right form of wealth for you.

The harder you work, the further you get

If this were actually true, ditch diggerswould be millionaires. But in truth, they could dig ditches until the cows come homebut the only “further” they get is in getting more ditches dug.  Still, some people think working hard is theroad to wealth and success. But in truth, the key to success is not hard workbut Smart Work.

You need a strategyand a plan. Without setting your goal, no matter how hard you work, you will get nowhere.  You need to visualize yourself achievinghow far you will go.  Set a detailed plan on how you can achieve your mission and what steps you need to make to get there.

Hint:Start your journey from within. If anything will sabotageyou along the way it will be YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS! Only Brain Management can bypass your conscious mind.

For More Info : Visit Here :

Monday, April 23, 2018


True Friends

As you go through lifeyou create many connectionswith others. Most of those connectionshave little to no true worth. Other connections are worthwhile and meaningful. This poemwas presented to me as a result of a meaningful and worthwhile connectionwith someone else. By sharing it with you, I hope you will gain something from it as well.

                                For this whom suffer me

And what are friends in all this life
And where does one find such things
For in their hands there is no knife
The brain no unkind seeds
They see the unwashed linen
Hear you as you fart
On smelling thy fetid breath
Offer just a drink
Before they go off to barf
They are the ones who groped 
with me , in dark murky emotional night
to find the wall and then the gate
which led toward the light
They walked with me along the path
Of perilous ascent
And pressed me against the bluff
From falling off the ledge
Have held my hand
Wiped my tears
Told me I was not stupid
When I was shot by Cupid
Suffered a fool to be a fool
Never batting of an eye
When all the while there screamed
A voice “why is he so stupid”
Oh can’t he see the path ahead
It is surely plain to see
Just drink the cup of truth
There is no other need
So whence come such as these
They surely be not easily made
Some special forge there be
To create such precious metal
To know the worthless stone
Within their hand, yet restrain
From casting it asunder
Some value yet they wonder
–    Anonymous by choice

As you embark on your journey, keep this in the back of your mind that “True Friends are hard to find”. The real rewards in life tend to be surprises that suddenly appear.

It is nice to be appreciated.

For More Info : Visit Here :

Sunday, April 22, 2018


The Photographic Memory

the Truth is Out There…

What exactly is the “photographic memory”?

The elusive photographic memory; ever experienced it? Chances are you may have come across it in grandiose Hollywood filmsand television shows. Furthermore, the photographic memory is expressed in such a way that it seems both superhuman and abnormal!

The apex of the photographic memory experiencehas been portrayed accurately by characters such as:

  • Sheldon Cooperfrom The Big Bang Theory”
  • Will Huntingfrom Good Will Hunting
  • Mike Rossfrom Suits
…and many more

You know, writers may be writing for fiction but they are heavily influenced by real life eventsthat shape their work. They also have the power to release material that is inaccurate; only to be aired. Not only is the photographic memory, itself, is one of those real life events its also one of those inaccuracies that writers writeabout!

Believe it or not….The phenomenonthat looks to good to be true…is indeed true. Even worst, the name ‘photographic’ itself is wrong. At best, it’s inaccurate, and at worst it is deceptive.

The actual, technical and medical term for it is…the Eidetic Memory.

Photographic Memory vs. Eidetic Memory

 Despite two different names, if there is a correct term for this real and amazing memorythen why on earth is it expressed wrong?
The answer lies with people’s personal experiences with visual learning, i.e. seeing and absorbing informationvia their eyes. Considering that permanent and verbatim recall of informationis a classic function of eidetic memory, the ‘photographic’ metaphor was created as to identify with that type of flawless recall and the name stuck.

In both real and scientific terms, the eidetic memory does not rely upon visual input but uses the remaining senses of the human body as well.

Therefore the term ‘photographic’ is used interchangeably but loosely.

The Scientific view?

The typical view in mainstream scienceis that it does not existat all and it is a myth. Take for example, Joshua Foer’s articlein the magazine, Slate, he promotes the myth theoryby downplaying past examples of people but without citing any evidence that that perpetuates his views. (

One of those is exceptional peopleis Stephen Wiltshire, an autistic artistwith a vivid photographic memory, that accurately drawsstunning city landscapespurely from memory alone. The accuracy in his illustrations is flawless he has been awarded an MBE for his works. (

Such feats do not lie only with Autism. Recently, an ordinary policeman featured on the news used his ‘photographic’ memory to identify and capture hundreds of criminalsover the last five years purely from memorizing them from faces on wanted posters.(

Many stories like those above provide a basis that the eidetic memory does indeed exist, contradicting many of the standard scientific views.

Psychologistswrestle with this subject in the laboratory and have established the existence of Eidetic Imagery (EI), in which they conclude that some people, mainly children, have this ability. The after-image of something they have seen is embedded, or retained, with vivid detail like an image in their minds. (

You have this power too

Everybody of all ages and abilities has access to this extraordinary memory. Perhaps it is not as rare as you, or I, have been led to believe.

Let me briefly tell you a story that occurred about a month ago. A customer came in to my work and I was talking about the photographic memory. She overheard me and commented about recall ability and reading speedof her daughter-in-law and how she “completes degree after degree!” I was astonished!

Most people would say “Well that’s OK for her. But I can’t do it, it is impossible!” The good news iswe all have this abilityand therefore we can all tap into itand use its unlimited resources. Now that is great!

Unfortunately, when we all started school from age 5 we were programmed out of using this ability and were taught the rote-memorysystem of learningwhich uses reading as its vehicle.

Reading uses a short-term memory system and we quickly forget almost everything that we were taught and had to learn by repeatedly revising or ‘cramming’ to absorb it all. Not good… It is a huge waste of time.

There is a Silver Lining – The keys to unlimited success are yours

But don’t worry, there is a long-term memory system out now that can reconnect you to those eidetic abilitiesthat you lost as a child along with allows you to absorb extreme amounts of informationat lightning quick speeds!

The method is called Mental Photography, also known as ZOXing. It has been around for over 35 years, and has helpedthousands of peopletap into their innate, photographic memory and become eidetickersagain as well as ZOXers!

Years ofindependent scientific research; supports the existence of your eidetic memory and proves that anyone can learn at astounding speedsaccompanied with a memorythat can recall and retainall needed information at will, just like those Hollywood charactersI mentioned earlier!

Richard Welch, the Father of Mental Photographysaid, “The brain, the brain, the brain. The more we learn about the brain, the more we realize how little we really know about it.” His statement is still correct today. If scientists knew everything there is to know about the brain, then there would be no question whether the photographic memory exists; or if it is myth, legend, fact or fiction.

For scientiststo subscribe to scientific principle, and then proclaim the photographic memory does not exist is professional heresy. Or does the existence of the photographic memory fill them with so much fear; they dare to cross the line of professional integrity.

Create your best path,

Abel Journeyman

For More Info : Visit Here :

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

News Flash :: Escape to Australia :: Seating is Limited

Welcome to Australia

Visit the mysterious Land Down-Under, and while you are here,

Learn How to Exercise Your Brain

The eBrain Executive Seminaris returning to Victoria, AustraliaMake your reservations now!Stay a while longer and turn your trip into a vacation!

On November 22, 23, 24, Shannon Panzo PhD, will be in Bendigo, Victoria, conducting the eBrain Executive Seminar for a group of dedicated individuals that want to gain a quantum leap in their life. More like a workshop than a seminar, this training gives you the tools to be effective in all areas of your life. Everyone has problems. Now you can have the solutionsthat give you independence; by learning how to exercise and use your brain for maximum productivity.

If you are traveling from outside of Australia, make sure to get your travel documents in right away. Approval times will vary based on your country of origin.

For bookings, email your query to: accounts [at]

Thrill Seekers Map of Australia

I wrote an article a while ago on the Australian Eastern Brown Snake, and how dangerous Australia can be. This will give you an idea of what I mean (Can you hear me chuckle?) *<;^)

(Current Australians:You must admit, it is a exciting place to live! You are invited too.)

For More Info : Visit Here :