Tuesday, January 23, 2018

35,000 Decisions Every Day of Your Life – Are You Depressed Yet?

Decisions, Decisions, and more Decisions

Your Life’s Decisions are Weighed Against a Feather…

You Better Get it Right!


In the 1950’s, industrialization swept into every household. That was a long time ago. Since then, every possible time saving device has forever added to our stack of goodies buried in closets and storage areas; and land-fills, never to be seen again.

Life was simpler back then. We did not have the number of decisions we now have to make daily. We have always made decisions, and the results impact our life. Today it is different. Most people have no idea just how many decisions the average person now makes each day. It is staggering.

How did the number of decisions grow so fast?

The sheer number of decisionsthat must be made, is in an ever increasing tidal wave. With only a small amount of procrastination, you can be swept out to sea and forever lost. Tragic. Some sources suggest you make around 35,000 decisionseach day.

(Please keep in mind, some of the examples we give are not the case in many countries. They are relevant, a picture, for you to perceive why decision making has become so consuming in a person’s life.)

Typical choicespeople make…

  • How many thousands of cable channels do you have, and which do you choose to watch?
  • How do you like your coffee? Home brew, drive-through, Cafe? Would you rather have tea or hot chocolate?
  • Do you cook for yourself or choose to become a valued customer at McDonalds?
Then there are the more involved decisions like who we add as ‘friends’ on Facebook or follow on Twitter and the weighted decisions of priority versus time. You may believe certain decisions are important, when in actuality, they really are not. Setting priorities may be a way to economize your over-burdened schedule.

Make 10,000’s of Better Decisions Each Day

Various internet sources estimate that an adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day, while a child makes about 3,000.   This number may sound absurd, but a recent study revealed we make 226.7 decisions each day on just food alone according to researchers at Cornell University (Wansink and Sobal, 2007).  As your level of responsibility increases, so does the number and different types of choices you are faced with. You feel like you are reaching for infinity!

Your make a multitude of choices in life. Here are some examples:

  • what to eat
  • what to wear
  • what to purchase
  • what we believe
  • what jobs and career choices we will pursue
  • how we vote
  • who to spend our time with
  • who we will date and marry
  • what we say and how we say it
  • whether or not we would like to have children
  • what we will name our children
  • who our children spend their time with
  • what they will eat, etc.
Each choice carries certain consequences – good and bad. Many choices actually lead you to other choices. In the world of organisms, few have the ability to choose. Humanity is the one that has the most choices; even to how we choose to create our environment.

The Problem with Too Much Choice…

I could go into a lengthily deliberation of all the different types of choices you have, and all the different conscious level strategies you can employ over the rest of your life. These will take up a considerable amount of time and planning on your part. (How boring!You may as well count the number of knots you can tie into a piece of string.)

Typically, most people would notemploy the strategies anyhow, because their life is already hectic enough trying to make their best decisions in the limited time they have, with limited information. Most people have complex lives creating the need for many decisions each day. Most people do not have the responsibilities of an Afghani sheepherder, as far fewer decisions would be needed.

However, people that normally do have a low occurrence of decisions are children. So, if you want to teach someone good decision making strategies, the best time is when children are still young. They will carry it throughout their life.

For adults that are already overloaded, you need a different system – a system that does not rely on only conscious level information and actionable strategies. This is where I come in.

Decision Making – Conscious vs Subconscious…

Your subconscious is vast beyond belief when you consider just how much usable information it has over the conscious mind when making decisions. Your conscious mind is not meant to remember or catalogue much information at all.  I often wonder how many people function by going around daily withouthaving direct access to their subconscious mind. That is what leads to the common occurrence of people being on autopilot as they go through their day.

Autopilot is okay if the decisions are always the same. Once decisions fall outside of those parameters, you can no longer use your pre-recorded messages you have at hand. Instead, you must analyse your decision with your conscious mind. This is where most people fail efficient decision making. Procrastination undermines the process, wasting time and energy. When the conscious mind is directly involved, you do not effectively access all the resources your subconscious mind has. Errors in your judgement and resolution are likely. Don’t worry, when you make a mistake in your decision making, you will be given the opportunity to revisit it again and again.

Accessing Your Subconscious for Making Decisions…

If you do not believe your subconsciousshould play a part in your decision making, then this information is not for you. Go back to employing your various strategies that have created the chaos you now live in.

If you do believe you should access all the available information you have, both in your conscious and subconscious minds, when making important decisions, then here are some practical methods that will help.

Acknowledgement:Acknowledge to yourself that your SUBconscious actually has a vast amount of pertinent information far greater than what your conscious mind has. This will give you the strength to overcome your conscious mind going into denial of such a ludicrous idea.

Meditate:Through meditation, or prayer, you are able to access that information which is not readily available to you. Even though, you may not sense the information is there, assume it is. Don’t worry. It will be there.

Relax:Only when you are in a relaxed state will the ideas and strategies make themselves known. The “Ah ha” moment, when the light bulb comes on, and paints your path in front of you.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF:If you cannot believe in yourself, why would you think anyone else would. The way you feel about yourself shines out to the world. Others react likewise. The same is true when you are searching for solutions or making decisions. Your belief in yourself will provide the same quality of solutions back to you.

Your Choice…

The world is forever changing. The decisions you will be making in the days ahead will be bigger and there will be more of them. You should take charge of at least some of those 35,000 decisions you make daily.

If you want a clear path for creating these things within yourself, then you really should look at what we offer to the public. (ZOXpro.com) Something that was told to me a long time ago… “If you are an inch under water, or a thousand feet under water. You are still drowning.” We all need solutions. Isn’t it about time you find your way?

For More Info : Brain Management

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Mental Photography for Students

If you are a student of any age, Mental Photography for Studentsallows you to benefit through an increase in brain power.This effective tool increases your brain power and allows you to focus on your goal of learning.

Your Success Has NOTHING to do With How Long You Study

Students are told that good grades will lead to a good life. To get good grades, the recommended ratio is two to three hours for every hour spent in class. But what if you could get better gradeswithout all that study time? What could you accomplish with all those extra hours?

Is Formal Education Counterproductive to a Photographic Memory?

Your mind can assimilate information at gigahertz pace – but there is something blocking the process. Ironically, the blockage is reading. That’s right – all the reading that you do for your classes actually constricts the flow of information to your brain, weakening your capacity to use Mental Photography. For many students, our mind is capable of assimilating information at gigahertz range – but there is something getting in the way of our learning. Ironically, the blockage is reading. Reading constricts the flow of information to our brain, thus weakening our capacity to use Mental Photography. Sadly, all the time you spend studying also intrudes on your social life and having fun. What to do?

You Can Learn to Learn Naturally!

Do not despair. You can reactivate your photographic (or Eidetic) memory. In fact, your photographic memory is still active and ready – you’ve simply forgotten how to access it. Once you regain the ability to access your photographic memory, you can use it to take you as far as you want. How to use Mental Photography for Students exercises the brain in amazing ways – including your nativeEidetic memory.
Some people claim that using Mental Photography techniques for Students to cut down on study time is a form ofcheating. This is totally ridiculous. Using your own native abilities to assimilate and access the information you are learning is not cheating – it’s your ultimate edge.

For More Info : Photographic Memory

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Memorial Day

Most countries around the world have their version of Memorial Dayto remember their soldiers, defenders, and their heroesof the past. Most are ultimately the forgotten fallen, and many will always remain the “nameless soldier“.

Heroes areCreated

Most Heroes never intend to be heroes. They are born out of circumstance and chaos. You may be living next to a #hero and never know it. People can be heroes to a single person, a few people, or to many. And yes, most real heroes do not want to be recognized as a hero for doing good deedsor deeds of valor. They are the kings of the selfless act. As their laurel wreathon the mantelpiece fades and decays, they live their lives influencing others to lead the honorable life.

Hope and Reminiscence

Sure, hope may seem idealistic, naive, and in some ways just unrealistic. Everyone needs their heroes — a cornerstone of the community, someone to count on when things go awry, or just a belief there is still good in the world; no matter how you are set upon by others. Heroesgive us words of hope. If you truly give up #hope, then you are lost. There is always room for hope. The only way you can lose hopeis to give it up yourself. Hopedoes not cost you anything, and provides you momentum where there is none.
Never Give Up!

Facts about Memorial Day

Time to reflecton what has already happened, and the moment to make decisionsfor your future.
Use this moment to remember your pastyour deeds, your triumphsand your failures.
“History tends to repeat itself”

The reason for this quote is people tend to forget their failures and only concentrate on their successes. When you forget your failures and the lessons they taught you, then you commit yourself to repeat your previous mistakes, thus; history repeats itself.
Your life is a series of choices. Each decisionyou make, no matter how large or small, influences and changes the direction your path will take through life. That is why it is important to learn the lessons from your previous defeats.
Hero… You have many more decisions to make.
Tread carefully,

For More Info : Photographic Memory

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Education – Prepare to Make the Most of a College Degree


The Price of a College Degree…

Effective Learning will save you much more than money.

Most students would be happy to decrease study time by 50%.

What if you could cut study time down to 10% or less?

What if you could accumulate information faster than 100,000 words per minute, and have greater access to it than you will ever get by just reading.

What are you willing to do to make your life so much easier? 

What preparations do you make for your education?

I often get asked what students should do to prepare themselves for study in high school, then in collegetowards getting a degree. Well, that does sound like a nice tidy little package, right? WRONG! If you go in with rose-colored glasseson, prepare to have them ripped off and stomped upon.

Build a Budget and Find a College

A note for those that have gone before you: Times have changed, and the amount of dollars you will spend now is about six timeswhat you would have spent in the mid 1980s for the same level of education in best high schools. In many cases, once you create your budget, the remark of,“We will send you to college school names just like my parents sent me.”may seem a bit passé.

Please keep in mind, many of the examples I am using are more towards the private, not public levels of schooling. It is sometimes wise to look into the worst case scenario– to snap you back to reality – to see where you can begin saving your money.

Why College?

Starting with the basics, why participate with higher levels of education best high schoolsat all? What is the benefit? The first thing that most people consider is the higher pay. It also makes you more desirable to the workforce, as this table shows; you are less likely to be unemployed.

Employment vs. Education Level

Education Data and Statistics

I have accumulated a bit of data for you to peruse through. The statistics presented here are from the USA, but do reflect similar statistics in other countries with similar facilitation of education.

The cost of good education has skyrocketed!


Average Yearly Wages:

No High School Diploma – ~$23.500

High School Graduate– ~$41.500

Bachelor Degree– ~$55,000

Further Degrees – >$65,000

More than 55% of people in the prison system do not have a high school diploma.

Forbes also points out:

If, you spent $10,000 for college in 1986, today, that same amount of education will cost you at least $59.800. That is an increaseof 500%.

The cost of education has exceeded the cost of living by 2.5 times. What your parents did when they went to school may not be the right decision for you if your finances do not support it. You must weigh the issues carefully.

US News:

Many college’s tuitions are ~$35,000/year – not including any other expenditures.

That is ~$140,000 for 4 years, plus expenses.

College room and board averages $9300/school year (~9 months), and some colleges charge over $14,000/year

Some students could easily see bills add up to $200,000 – $300,000 within 4 years.

Financial Discussion

If you racked up $300,000 on credit, how long would it take you to pay off your loan; 30 years or more?

In relative terms, the average house in the USA would cost you $152,000. If you put the same amount of money into a home, you would have at least 1 house, maybe 2 or more. (Location matters).

News Flash!

Spend 4 years “finding yourself” at college while accruing a huge debt

College is NOT like High School.You will be expected to consume 4 times the amount of information in one-forth the time. Using CONVENTIONAL study methods, you will be expected to study 4 hours each week for every hour you spend in class. If you have a 16 hour class-load, your extra study timewill be 64 hours each week. Thus ~80 hours devoted to your studies per week. Have you come prepared? (A full time job is only 40 hours per week.)

Oops, we forgot to budget in all that extra coffeeand caffeineyou will be living on. (Trips to the coffee pot do not count against those 80 hours.)You better be prepared and have a budget and a game plan. If you do not, you will feel swindled by the higher educational system, and you are left with a potentially huge debt to remind you of the lesson.

Prepare yourself

Prepare for the inevitable. You know the amount of study you must do is ludicrous. Do you intend to have any sort of social lifewhile you are in college? Just to fulfil your college dream, you may need to work at the same time. What are you willing to do to make this all possible? You are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars every year on your education, which mandates all that time on study. Will you be ‘time poor’?

Time Poor…

Most students would be happy to decrease study timeby 50%. What if you could cut it down to 10% or less? Are you willing to spend the tiniest amount on a training that will make your life so much easier? If so, then you should look into ZOX Pro Training.

Alternatives for your budget:

Internet Based College Courses– Live at home, travel to your class in your slippers. The restaurant is only as far as the kitchen. Room and board will be a minimum. The down side is, you will not be networking with others around you. The Internet based meetingsare not the same as in person. Likewise, yourlines of influencewill not be as soundly grounded.

Commuting– This can take a big chunk out of the living expensesin one way, but will be adding some expenses in another. You may need to pay for parking, gas, maintenance, etc., if you are not using public transportation. Scheduling yourself around public transportation can be problematic.

Lesser Valued College– Using lower grade colleges, like community colleges, than where you want to graduate from for the first few years can have its’ own pitfalls. Better check ahead. Your scholastic creditsmay not be fully transferable.

Don’t worry. The “Big Boys” look out for themselves and make sure they shave off a few extra dollars with this strategy. It is likely if you want to graduate from one of the “big name” colleges, you will be paying much more than you expected, and in many cases taking the same classes over again, just to gain your credits. Therefore, additionally, you are wasting your precious time, as well as your money, for the sake of their bureaucracy.

If you want to see their eyes go wild, ask the college for a money back guarantee.Colleges only support a single direction of cash flow; from your pocket to theirs. We have never heard of one yet, that will return your money if they teach you something you will never use the rest of your life. There is no guarantee their information will be useful. If anyone knows of an accredited college offering even a 60-day money back guarantee for their services, let us know. We will give them some run time here. (Please limit this to major Universities in Countries such as USA, Canada, UK, Australia, etc., and provide the specific information for easy verification.)

CLEP– “Clepping”, or challenging, your courses is a way to put your graduation path to high speed. Many basic 4-year degrees can be achieved this way, with the least amount of expense accrued. Again, there plusses and minuses to getting your degree in this fashion.

You do have many options which you must weigh. It is quite a burden you will carry in your decision making process. You really need a way of pulling together all the information as quickly as possible. To make the best decisions, you need the best information. You know what your needs are, and what you are looking for. Go for it!

For More Info : 
Mental Photography