Wednesday, February 20, 2019


You weren’t born with the users manual to your own brain. So, how can you possibly be expected to know how to use the best functions of your brain automatically? You can’t be expected to know those things, right?

What you rely on from the time you were born is what everybody else is telling you and teaching you. Some of these things may be destructive. Some of these things may inhibit you from being your best. And because they play in the background, you don’t even know they’re there… We refer to this as baggage…

In order for you to be the best you can be, you need tools – easy to use tools – tools that utilize the correct, natural functionality of your brain and the tools to help you clear out the baggage that holds you back. That is what ZOX Pro Training can do for you. We teach the primary tools you need to reduce your baggage and get your life on track.

Your baggage is held in the subconscious part of your brain. Mental Photography, or ZOXing, creates a very strong rapport between the conscious and subconscious parts of your brain. It gives you the access you need to make those changes that you want.

Indeed, ZOXing is a tremendous exercise for your brain because it does so many things at the same time.

To start ZOXing and reducing the baggage which may have been holding you back, visit:

Read for More Blog : Visit Here : Photographic Memory

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Saturday, February 2, 2019

How Does Brain Management Look at Recession? Use Your BRAIN !

How Does Brain Management Look at Recession?

Use Your BRAIN !

This is an exercise in the application of Mental Photography (ZOX)

I like topaint pictures. More precisely, I like to paint pictures for you to have some idea what it would be like for you to be usingMental Photography. And, if you already use Mental Photography, how to broaden your scope and use it better. There is event that everyone in the world are now sharing.Economics. Yikes! How do you react? This exercise will help you assess what part you are playing.

First, gain information fast by using Mental Photography (ZOXing)

When thepost-war economybegan to slump following WWII, since theGreat Depressionwas still a memory, the president didn’t want to suggest that the USA was heading back to that, so the word ‘Recession’ was born. Today, this would e referred to as ‘slant’.

Qualities of the word “Recession”:

Sounds friendlier, like schoolchildren at recess, or just taking a break from profitable business.

“It’s merely a recession.”

Italleviates public panic
No-one can agree on what it is, or what defines it. Thus, by the word ‘recession’ being so ambiguous, we could be in a ‘depression’ without the public even realizing it.


Let’s gain perspective about another word –DEPRESSION. Now, depression is defined 2 ways, as astate of economy, and as astate of mind. The two are tenaciously linked. The economic state becomes the mental state, which then supports the economic state –a vicious cycle.
Today, the world is faced again with the same dilemma. Is it a recession, a depression, or what? What is thetruth? Again,Mental Photography (ZOXing)comes to the rescue. Because read more.

For More Info : Please Click Here : Photographic Memory