Thursday, June 29, 2017

Get Better Memory & Stop Forgetfulness in the New Year

Embarrassing…  isn’t it?

Picture yourself in the company of many respected people in your line of work or profession. It can be a highly charged situation, with jousting and sabre-rattling. You must be at your best. You bump into someone important or want to introduce someone, just to find you have forgotten their name.

This is the typical stressful situation you are most likely to forget – when it is most important. When you know your memory is not as sharp as what it should be it raises the stress level. Your confidence plays a big part in allowing memories to traverse the canyon into the now. Likewise, if you are not confident, even the correct memory can fall into the abyss. Opportunity missed.

If you are not affected by this, then you probably know someone that is; a friend or family member, a colleague or co-worker, or perhaps a manager. Of course business managers are supposed to know all the people they come in contact with right? Only in a dream for most.

What does Your Memory mean to You?

Your memory and the ability to use it is a precious asset. Your memory contains the sum of all of the experiences you have had throughout life. If there is any one thing in life that defines a person, it is their memory. It has made them what they are, it shapes the way they react to events, and often shows the experience level a person achieves in life. Take every step possible to keep it functioning well. Without memories, a person becomes empty and separated, with feelings of loneliness and uselessness.

If you find you have difficulty remembering your children’s names, then you better take a firm grip on your reality and get some help fast. If it is nothing, then you have not lost anything in having it checked.

Memory Misplacement

This has become  such an issue for people, there are tons of memory courses on the market, that are positioned to salvage your dignity along with your memory. Many of these follow the “Peter Principle“, and will only take you to the highest level of incompetency.  It is likely that you would rather stay in a system that is unwieldy and difficult for you, than to find a different system that works for you. (The same thing happens when people are ‘readers’.)

Often we see demonstrators that make a living from grandstanding to promote a memory course. They will enchant us with how “they” can memorize names and occupations of 100 people in a couple of minutes, using a particular technique.  “Wow!” screams the audience, ” that is we want! …no more embarrassment!” Yes, there are courses that will train you how to do likewise. What is involved? Will it automatically be there for you at any time you need to use it in the future? Unless you continually refresh it, probably not. Is that type of training for you?

My Experience in the Brain Training Game…

I have reviewed far too many super memory trainings than I wish to think about over the years. Perhaps I was looking to stumble over the “magic pill” romance that many are led to believe. I have never found any sign of that magic pill, unless you just happened to be wired up that way to start with. Granted, most are not.

Memory training is a critical part of what Brain Management is all about. Brain Management first deals with accessing the NATURAL Photographic Memory, then stimulating memory growth naturally as a by-product of exercising the brain in this fashion. I have been presenting Brain Management for many years, and have consistently heard from our clients our training should be marketed more for the memory enhancement you get from it.

IMPORTANT: There is one thing above all else to consider when discovering the best memory training for you. If it does not feel natural, then you will probably stop using it.

Memory Trainings

There are relatively 4 different types of memory training. (To keep things easy to understand, we are stopping at 4 styles, although more are available.) I have listed them in order to the frequency how often they are taught to the public:

Rote Memory – This is the method you learn in school. This is when you simply keep going over the same information time and again until you have memorised it. Consumes the most amount of time and effort. Efficient only for the specific information you have dealt with in this matter. Once this type of information is forced over into the long term memory, you feel like you learned it.

Taught – First

Efficiency – Low

Lasting Long Term Memory – Yes


Cup & Hook (associative) Method – This is the method you will usually see in action when the demonstrator is going around the room learning names. The basic premise is similar for this style – you will assign something that symbolises or represents certain characteristics around the specific thing you want to remember.  This is a good method and it is effective in most circumstances. It gives you a structure you can follow. If you stop using it for a period of time, you must go back to the beginning and start building all over again. It does not permanently build structure in the brain, at least not in the short term. Maybe those areas would improve over a great amount of time and continual practice.

Taught – Second

Efficiency – Varies with the amount of ongoing practice.  Loses effectiveness fast.

Lasting Long Term Memory – The efficiency of the method fades over time. But some memory may be picked getting through rote, from exposure.


Mnemonics – This is a series of 9 different types of memory strategies. Once you learn all of them and how to properly use them, then you can use them in such ways:

  1. music or lyrics
  2. names (ROY G. BIV= Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
  3. words or expressions
  4. models and diagrams
  5. rhymes
  6. notes or note cards
  7. outlines
  8. images
  9. connections and spelling

Each type is different and can be applied differently.  To become good at all of them would be a considerable undertaking.  If a person is willing to put in the time to understanding and using them, it is quite a formidable package. To have a good understanding in all of them should come with a medal; for sheer determination.

Taught – Third

Efficiency – High, but comes at a price.  Best used for passing detailed testing, and remembering specific details.

Lasting Long Term Memory – similar – due to cross-exposure of information, memories are likely to last longer in this format, as they often have a connecting structure built around the concept or word, and building links to other associative memories.


Mental Photography – Mental Photography works in a very different way. This method places memory as second to photographic memory.

Even though being very effective for memory building, Mental Photography uses and exercises another natural brain function first – the Photographic Memory. By stimulating the photographic memory (eidetic memory) and delivering information at high rates of speed that pushes the serviceability of the brain. Through neuroplasticity, the brain triggers production of more neurons, synapses, and dendrites. All of this action in the brain essentially adds or grows more memory. Once more memory and connections are available, then accessing memory for any purposes is much easier.

This building process does not happen overnight. There are billions of connections within the structure of the brain. This action creates more neurons that will be connected into the rest of the system to increase memory.

Since Mental Photography is usually used foremost for large volume information retention, it is a wonderful benefit that you are actually growing more usable memory as by-product  of exercising the brain in this way.

Taught – Forth

Efficiency – Excellent…

Information Retention >50,000 wpm or more

Memory gain – High to infinity.

More use  will stimulate further growth. No limitation known. Time spent creates results in many areas using 1 basic set of exercises. Daily use gives better and ongoing results.

Lasting Long Term Memory – Excellent – approximately 100% for life.

More than any other method, Brain Management (and ZOX Pro Training) uses Mental Photography at the core of its’ teaching. Mental Photography was invented by Richard Welch, PhD, my Mentor and colleague. I have worked directly with him since 1986.


If memory is important to you, and you want to make 2017 a Year to Remember, then you should consider your options as I have presented here. Brain Management, Mental Photography, and ZOX Pro Training have many more benefits than have been discussed in this article.

Shannon Panzo, PhD

Attention… Business Owners, Managers, and Human Resources…

Our organization is considering business opportunities for those professionals that see the Mental Photography as a good objective for their clients and businesses. Please connect with us by email of you are interested in pursuing this.

“Great Things Happen Here!”
memory training, photographic memory

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Monday, June 12, 2017

ZOX Wisdom Chapter 1 – Mental Photography Photographic Memory Enhancement

ZOX Pro Method is Over 10 Times More Effective than Others

4 Methods for Better Memory & Learning

Forgetting an anniversary can be fatal. Secret natural photographic memory method Mental Photography grows memory via neuroplasticity over memory techniques, including Mnemonics, due to a new approach for memory growth and restoration, reveals ZOX Pro is over 10 times more effective than other memory trainings and memorization methods. Comparison of Mental Photography with other top memory training techniques included below.
Top 10 Problems for Most People includes Memory

“Anniversary Oversight” can Kill a Relationship
Forgotten something that was important to someone else? Actually, it happens all the time. In this fast paced world sometimes it is difficult for people to find the time to remember important things. What may be important for one person, may not be priority for the other person. Take names for instance. Most people forget the names of important people around them. It could be at their job, or in their professional environment. It could even be family members. Just think how many sit-com episodes have been created on the man forgetting his Anniversary or the wife’s Birthday.

So remembering things seems to be something a person should take extra care to do. Keep in mind. All those nice little digital devices are fallible. They are programmed to provide a response. That is, unless they were programmed by the person that ‘forgot’ the instructions. So, if the instructions are missing and cannot be found on line, the relationship may be in grave danger of “Anniversary Oversight”; a sure deal breaker.

Stress is a Name Killer
Whether the board meeting or the company picnic, people take the opportunity to impress others. However, it does not impress people when their name is forgotten during an introduction. Even though these meetings can provide opportunity, they can lure disaster into the recipe. People in this environment are under stress to perform. If they don’t perform well, stress levels go up and the disaster is more likely.

Memory Strategy – Plan Ahead

What does better Memory mean?

Often we will see demonstrators that make a living from grand-standing for a memory course. They will enchant us with how “they” can memorize names and occupations of 100 people in a couple of minutes, using a particular technique. “Wow!” screams the audience, ” that is we want! …no more embarrassment!”

Memory Trainings

There are relatively 4 different types of memory training. They are listed here in order to the frequency how often they are taught to the public:

Rote Memory – This is the method taught in school. Repetition – simply keep going over the same information time and again until it is memorised. Consumes the most amount of time and effort. Efficient only for the specific information dealt with in this matter. Once this type of information is forced over into the long term memory, the person feels like he learned it

As this is you first real exposure to a taught technique, it has low efficiency, but due to repetition, it tends to have lasting long term memory.

Cup & Hook (associative) Method – This is the method usually seen in action when a memory course demonstrator is going around the room learning names. The basic premise is similar for this style – the person will assign something that symbolises or represents certain characteristics around the specific thing he wants to remember. This is a good method and it is effective in most circumstances. It gives a structure to follow. If the person stops using it for a period of time, he must go back to the beginning and start building all over again. It does not permanently build structure in the brain, at least not in the short term. Maybe those areas would improve over a great amount of time and continual practice.

Usually touted as a memory trick, it is generally the second style learned. It can give a quick fix, but is not lasting. so is not very effective. The efficiency varies with the amount of ongoing practice, and does not support lasting long term memory.

Mnemonics – This is a series of 9 different types of memory strategies. Once a person learns all of them and how to properly use them, then they can be applied in many ways: Music or lyrics, names (ROY G. BIV = Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), words or expressions, models and diagrams, rhymes, notes or note cards, outlines, images, connections and spelling are the different types.

Each type is different and can be applied differently. To become good at all of them would be a considerable undertaking. If a person is willing to put in the time to understanding and using them, it is quite a formidable package. To have a good understanding in all of them should come with a medal; for sheer determination.

Typically this is the third style taught, as it is meant for serious memorizing. The efficiency is high, but comes at a price. Best used for passing detailed testing, and remembering specific details. It does have lasting long term memory, but is similar to previous styles due to cross-exposure of information, memories are likely to last longer in this format, as they often have a connecting structure built around the concept or word, and building links to other associative memories.

Mental Photography

Mental Photography works in a very different way. The method places gaining Memory second behind gaining access to the Photographic Memory.

Even though being very effective for memory building, Mental Photography uses and exercises another natural brain function first – the Photographic Memory. By stimulating the photographic memory (eidetic memory) and delivering information at high rates of speed that pushes the serviceability of the brain. Through neuroplasticity, the brain triggers production of more neurons, synapses, and dendrites. All of this action in the brain essentially adds or grows more memory. Once more memory and connections are available, then accessing memory for any purposes is much easier.

This building process does not happen overnight. There are billions of neurons and trillions of connections within the structure of the brain. This dynamic action creates more neurons that will be connected into the rest of the system to increase memory.

Since Mental Photography is usually used foremost for large volume information retention, it is a wonderful benefit to actually grow more usable memory as by-product of exercising the brain in this way.

This method is exclusive, and is the forth method discussed here, but it is also the most powerful of any memory technique. It approaches memory differently, using the completely natural functions of the brain

The efficiency rating of Mental Photography is excellent:.

Information Retention >50,000 wpm or more

Memory gain – High to infinity.

More use will stimulate further growth. No limitation known. Time spent creates results in many areas using 1 basic set of exercises. Daily use gives better and ongoing results.

The lasting long term memory is excellent, with approximately 100% for life.

Mental Photography was invented in 1975 by Richard Welch, PhD,” the Father of Mental Photography”. Mental Photography is at the core of the teachings of Brain Management and ZOX Pro Training. These trainings also have many more benefits not mentioned here.

Memory is important. Consider the options. These methods range from short term fixes to life-long gain. Make this year the “Year to Remember”,

Don’t Forget…

Shannon Panzo, PhD

Attention… Business Owners and Managers

Our organization is considering business opportunities for those professionals that see the Mental Photography as a good objective for their clients and businesses. Please connect with us by email with expressions of interest.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Connect With Your Spirituality – Free Your Spirit

Mental Photography Gives You Wings

Surprise! Your Spirituality has gone missing. Not really; you have just been neglecting it. It is time to pay more attention to something that is very important to your well being – your spirit. Later, I will show you the unique, much sought after tasks that Mental Photography techniques performs within your brain,building you a better,resilient brain, and making your success with Spirituality much easier.

What is Spirituality?
You can read the definition of spirituality, and you still know nothing about it. Spirituality is something you must meditate on, and immerse yourself into from time to time. It is a relationship – a bond between you and the rest of the Universe – your connection to God. This connection must be nurtured and fed with good vibration and energy. It connects you to this world, and the natural God-given talents you have. You are always connected to some degree. But the connection must be strengthened to get the most out of life.

If you asked 100 different people what spirituality means to them, you will likely have 100 different answers. It is a relationship that must be nurtured and developed over time. It can only be developed and strengthened by you. Nobody else can do it for you. One of the best ways to gain direct access for developing your spirituality is through meditation.

Daily Routine can Interfere with Your Spiritual Pursuits
Many of us get so caught up in all the different things we need to do each day, by the time we should take time out for the important things, we are too tired or stressed out. And there is always that mind numbing  television you can rely upon. The TV does in a sense numb your brain, because it is designed to put you in an altered state of consciousness, where you are more susceptible to suggestions, and to follow the instructions of the commercials or programs. All the more reason to meditate instead.

The world has been speeding up significantly for quite some time. Some methods of thought talk about an ever tightening spiral that we are on; and we are running at full speed just to keep up. Have you ever given it thought how all of those time saving gadgets do not seem to save any time, no matter how many you have? If you want to save time, you must use your mind.

Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual. They all work together. They work best when they are kept in balance. To neglect one, causes the other two to be less effective. The physical is the world you walk around in – the things you can directly touch, hear, smell, etcetera. It also involves the places you need to be or travel – where you live in the beta state, or conscious level. The mental and emotional is the force behind why you do the things you do. Your intellectualism, responsibilities, morals, objectives, and relationships with others, including pets.

Here is a basic way of looking at it… You feed and take care of your pet (a dog…) because you want to have a dog that is happy and healthy, so it responds to you in reciprocation – caring. Most traditional pets, such as dogs and cats tend to respond in this way. I personally find it funny when a person has trained their dog to get their slippers, or even fetch a beer from the fridge – Ha! At least the dog is on the fast track of appreciation. Whereas, if you wanted a cat to get you a beer, you had better get it yourself.

Describe Spirituality…
Spirituality is the  energy that connects everything. It connects you to your mother and your family; it connects you to the dog, the neighbour, even your enemy. It connects you to everyone and everything in the Universe (God) at the same time. You cannot reject it. It is still there. Since it is one-third of your wholeness, wouldn’t it be better if you knew more about it, and strengthened your connection to it. It would make a big difference if you did. This is not about control. It is about understanding the relationship of what you are doing here, and are meant to do in the Universe.

Once you have gained this understanding, it teaches you by raising your awareness to the world around you. You begin to feel the energy around you. You can feel the shift as other people come and go in the room you are in. They too possess and carry their own energy. Most people have not refined their spiritual connection and they leak energy. This can also be stray thoughts that adepts can easily feel and read. Have you ever wondered why a mental discipline is referred to as “discipline”? You can actually increase the energy you have available just by focusing your energy back into yourself, instead of letting it bleed out all over the place. Places that have large gatherings of people can feel like you are walking through a swamp. (Where’s the dog with the beer when you need him… Ha!)

Making Time

“Your Subconscious is NOT Limited to Time, nor Space.” – Richard Welch, PhD
This next section may stretch you a bit. You may not accept these things, because you do not have the information that supports it, YET! Your subconscious has incredible abilities. You can create time, or extra time, by having your mind do it for you. Amazingly, you can still get all the things done that you needed to do, and more. Since your subconscious is the apex of where everything comes together; your physical world, your mentality and emotions, your spirituality, and all the connections you have with the Universe join up; it is where you can have direct input to impact how your life unfolds. This also has a direct relationship with the Law of Attraction. Meditation holds the key to accessing this wondrous place.

Going around in Circles…

If you find you feel like you are going around in circles, doing the work, but not getting results, then you need to consider what you are learning here today. When people are out of balance with the Trinity, it often feels they are going through the motions, showing productivity, but their efforts are in vain. They do not see any results. Whereas, it is only the mechanism that escapes attention. The “Principles of Effective Manifestation” as outlined in one of the first works on ancient Hermeticism and its philosophies [The Kybalion ] requires the acknowledgement of certain principles and beliefs that support a universal balance that you can affect, making all things possible.

What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve…” – Napoleon Hill
Mental Photography – Supporting Your Spiritual Connection
Mental Photography, as we provide in ZOX Pro Training and Brain Management, has specialised abilities that builds a strong foundation for communication on the Spiritual level, and prepares your brain and mind for manifestation to be easier than ever before. Early testing proved that something significantly different was happening inside the brain as people used Mental Photography. Here are a few of the results from using Mental Photography:

Super excites all levels of consciousness at the same time, as your brain gains information at high speeds into your long term memory, and raises your overall energy and frequency.

Balances both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously, causing high levels of communication across the corpus callosum – known as whole brain activation. Whole brain activation is the preferred state of mind to achieve for meditation and prayer.

Stimulates high production of brain chemicals and endorphins in the brain, which may cause sensations of well-being, similar to “runner’s high” – a natural high without needing drugs to get you there.

Stimulates production of dendrites – the memory storage located on nerve cells, providing more memory and access to memory. Typical memorization methods do not create this level of production.

Recent scientific findings also indicate…
Stimulating ongoing production of new brain cells and synapses from stem cells already residing within the brain.

Therefore, your brain is building and changing dynamically (Neuroplasticity) due to stimulation provided by Mental Photography. It gives you a stronger, more resilient brain, ready to take on any new challenges of manifesting a better life for yourself, and increasing your connection with your own spirituality.

Hope and Faith…
Most people find that they are overwhelmed by daily life and the events taking place around them. To those people, HOPE is that they will wake up and things will be better tomorrow. Along with hope comes FAITH. Faith enables people to reach deeper than they ever thought possible, in effort of achieving miraculous things. Both Hope and Faith have their roots firmly planted into Spirituality. 

Do not cut yourself off from a large part of the real person that is you – no matter how imperfect you may think you are. Your Spirituality is important. In the world of today and tomorrow, you need to be at 100% at all times. Make the effort to connect spiritually, and make sure great things happen in the best possible way for you.

                                             Shannon Panzo, PhD
                                          Great Things Happen Here!