Be Your Own Psychic – Discover Your Own Path
As with all of the articles I present, I offer intrigue, different ways to look at things, observations of
Human Nature, and the
evolving Human Brain and
Mind. Did you know that
everyone is Psychic? You are! Does that sound so surprising to you?
When was the last time you had a
portentous dream, or was just thinking about a person you hadn’t seen in a long time, and there he is – appearing right in front of you? See,
you ARE psychic.
But do you use it on a regular basis, can you call up the ability at
will, are you accurate with what you perceive as insight? These are
typical questions that define
professional world-class psychics.
Since there are many forms of
psychic abilities (
etc.), you may be stronger in one talent over others. If you want to
develop your skill in this area, you must use it. You must
use your brain in that direction to strengthen that skill.
Scientists have known for ages that the
brain cavity
is a great receiver for radio waves as well as many other forms of
radiation. People can detect the slightest deviation around them by
sensing it.
Dowsers focus in on specific frequencies emitted by what they want to detect. A really good dowser doesn’t actually need
dowsing rods – their body becomes the conductor.
Gee, other people can do psychic things. What about you?
Many of my clients that have learned
Mental Photography
have stated that even though they didn’t consider themselves psychic,
they started to experience what can only be referred to as
psychic events.
And my clients that already had varying degrees of psychic abilities
have claimed that they have jumped their abilities “up” a big notch.
When You Were a Child
So what could you do? Think back when you were a child. Did you ever
experience something that just could not be explained? Maybe something
that upset or frightened your parents?… maybe something that your
parents told you not to do “that” anymore? Is it possible that you were
showing psychic abilities?
We all have
special unique abilities. Why not psychic abilities as well?
Today, there is allot of upset in many peoples
financial life. What if you could
see into your future? This is why there are so many people contacting their
personal psychics
right now. And some people that have never used a psychic are
contacting them for the first time. This may be the first time in their
life that their footing is NOT on solid ground. They need
perspective and
You Are Your Own Best Psychic
If you have never contacted a psychic, and needed direction, where should you go first? You should first go to YOURSELF !
You ARE your own BEST Psychic. You actually have stored within you the path you need to be on. Once you understand the
inner workings of your mind, you can tap into this information yourself, without the need for a Psychic to tell you what to do.
Wouldn’t you like to
know within yourself, What to do? You can. By applying any level of our training to this objective, you can
become your own self-fulfilling prophecy. Now just because you make the correct and best decision doesn’t mean that you won’t have challenges –
that’s LIFE!
Now there are many ways to get in touch with
your inner self, but the one I know most about is our training. Again, any level of our training can be applied in this direction – Even
ZOX Pro Training.
You owe it to Yourself
If you have set aside or stopped using a
psychic skill or ability as a child, you owe it to yourself to revisit it. By knowing about it and NOT embracing it; you are in “
denial”! When you are
in denial, you are lying to yourself. To carry a lie around with you
weakens your entire system and leaves you vulnerable. So, to be your best, you should reconsider if this sounds like you.
Where Should I Start?
Even though there are many different ways to encourage this development, I will tell you about what I do know:
1. First, you need to gain clear information that is provided to you without any agenda attached.
2. Second, you need to find answers specific to your personal directions. These answers are best provided to you when they come from you. You actually know what’s in your best interest. They are locked away in your head just waiting for you to ask.
3. Third, Lay out your path before you based on your personal discoveries.
One of the easiest ways to access ALL of the above is the
Brain Management System. That means that
ZOX Pro Training,
Brain Management Seminar, and
eBrain Executive Seminar, all have the components that can be structured to achieve your ends.