Friday, February 16, 2018


Leave the Old You Behind


Another year has passed and you are still doing those rotten things you were doing last year. Don’t worry. If you did not know, less than 5% of people that make New Year Resolutionskeep them until the following year. It is virtually a liscence to cheatyourself. Time is passing you by.

How to Make New Year Resolutions

You have heard it all before:

Eat less

Stop smoking

Exercise more

Be nice to people

 …and more.

STOP already! It is the same thing each year. You make a bunch of promises that you will never keepor see through for a week, let alone seeing them through till next year.

Have you ever heard, “The path to Hell is paved with good intent.” You are not doing yourself any favors when you approach your goals half-hearted. While you were busy setting yourself up to fail, you were better off not doing anything at all. Too many people achieve failure by not knowing a few basic steps to goal setting.

These 3 principles, when followed, give yourself the fighting chance to succeed. When painting that path for the New Year, you want to achieve success.
Here are 3 basic principles with successful “goal-setting” that are seldom followed. (These are also the tips and tricksthat make your journey easier.):

What truly makes you happy?

Happinessis not found on the TV, in Magazines, or other Media. You may think otherwise. But here is one way to recognize something that actually makes you happy. It is relatively easy to achieve, and it is sustainable, without continually feeding it. These are things we tend to take for granted.

Be Happy. Your happiness will not be achieved by doing what other people want you to do. Your happiness will only be achievable when it comes from within you.

What is your passion that drives you?

For you to be successful with goal setting, you must have a reason that drives you for those many days, weeks, months, even years it takes to reach your goals. Your endurancerides on the back of your passion. But first you must recognize what your passion is, so you can assign it to the task. If your passion does not align with your goals, then your goal is flawed – don’t bother. Find your goals that go hand in hand with your passion. Just look. They will be there.

Setting achievable goals

What good does it do if you set your goals too high? Usually you will wear yourself out before ever reaching your fist benchmark. Set smaller goals. When you set huge goals, you are setting yourself up to fail. By paving your road with success, it will lighten your burden along your path to your ultimate goal.
Here is an example of unswerving commitment to achieve a goal using these 3 principles:

If you are overweightand out of shape, and you are scheduled to go on a vacation in 8 or 9 months, what kind of experience do you think you will have? As you are considering this, you realise you are not going to have the fun times you should be having if you are out of shape.

Even though others have been pointing this out to you, it really makes no difference. It only matters when you point it out to yourself, and that you can make the change. So now you see the first two points come together; your target and your driving forceto reach that target.

When approaching setting your goals, you will have the ultimate goal in mind. Break it down into “bite-size” chunks. Set benchmarks for yourself that are easily achievable. Will you get a Medal for Braveryat the end if you do it in one big hit? Of course not! It is still the same long range goal. Nothing has changed. Except, you will feel much better about your struggle if you have those little benchmarks along the way. This gives you confidenceyou are heading in the best direction.

These tips will help you gain successin the New Year.

For More Info :

Monday, February 12, 2018

When Disaster Strikes: Who Do You Call? — Brain Management!

Brain Management

Manage your Brain for Results

Disasters come in all shapes and sizes. It can be a natural disaster such as an earthquaketidal wave, tornadoor flash flood. It can be a personal tragedy like the loss of a jobor a loved one or even something that appears trivial, such as dropping that first cup of coffee on the floor as  you’re rushing out the door – late again.

(To My Readers: An interesting thing about life is that you make gains even from the most adverse of situations.  We call these “Lessons.”  Please read on.)

Lessons and Disasters

When disaster strikes, your coping mechanisms are diminished. Circumstances that others may see as minor setbacks loom larger than life. You may lose self-worth. But if you are willing to listen and observe, disasters can also teach you resilience and strength.

How do you react to a crisis? If you’re like most of us, not very well.  Why? you just are not trained to handle such moments, and therefore rely on people who are.  But disasters come in all shapes and sizes, from Acts of Godsuch as tornadoes to man-made disasters like terrorismand economic collapseYou could spend your entire life preparing if you tried to prepare for all possible crises.

BUT – there is a method that will prepare you for any TYPE of crisis. Condition your mind first.

Condition Your Mind for Disasters

So, how do you prepare for ALL types of crisis? Do you have to be cold and callous? Of course not!

The key is to gain access to your subconscious, which is most easily reached with meditationor prayer. Bear in mind that it may take some time for you to build arelationshipwith your subconsciousmind.

An Alternative to Shorten Disaster Training Time

There is a shortcut to the well-trodden path described above. You can prepare for crisis with lightning speed!   You can learn the nuance of the lessons learned through periods of meditation with breakneck efficiency with ZOX Pro Training.

Superior Information provides Superior Decisions

ZOXing, or Mental Photography,provides ample information.

Your Future Starts NOW!

For More Info : Click Here: Photographic Memory

Friday, February 2, 2018

Money and Wealth

Many people are convinced – consciously or subconsciously – that accumulating great wealthis impossible. But this is simply not true. Your mind is the only impediment to yourgoals of wealth. But help is on the way. I am here to teach you how to focus your thoughts on visualizing your goals.

A Poverty Mentality is Your Enemy to Wealth

At some point in your life, you internalized the belief that money and wealth would always remain beyond your reach. To become successful, you must change the way you think and the way your mind works. But before you can change the way your mind works, you must understand the process.

Your mind has two major parts – the conscious mind that deals with the everyday and the subconscious mind, which is where our hopes and dreams reside. Your subconscious mind controls your likes and dislikes as well as how we deal with circumstances and events in our lives – including how you react to money and wealth. The subconscious mind stores your likes and dislikes, your hopes and your dreams, and how you react to things – including money and wealth.

Develop Mental Discipline

You can do affirmations for money and wealth all day long, but without overcoming your mind’s subconscious preconditioning, your efforts will only produce frustration. You must learn Brain Management and mental discipline to train your subconscious to focus on your highest goals so that you can achieve them. By exercising your brain using Mental Photography techniques will allow you to obtain the greatest type of wealth, personal contentment and satisfaction.

For More Info :
 Accelerate Learning