Monday, May 28, 2018


Success, Failure, and Lessons in Self Improvement

“Wherever you are, that is where you are meant to be, experiencing the things you were meant to experience.”

A client recently contacted me asking about test taking. His main concern was that he did not want to faila certain test. During the conversation, I gave him strategiesas to how to go about taking tests without getting stressed out. This would give him the upper hand in taking any tests.

Failure and Lessons

We got back to the main issue of not failing. He asked, “But what if I fail?” I answered him, “You are likely to learn more out of anything that you fail than learn from passing.”It makes sense. You will learn many lessons when you fail at something. But if you pass that event, you have no reason to look for your lessons.

Everything that happens to us happens for a purpose. And sometimes, one thing leads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fearsand crying over past heartaches, embarrassmentand how failure leads to success, treat them as your teachers and they will become your tools in both self improvementand true meaning of success.

Patch Adams

I remember watching “Patch Adams” – a movie. It really shows you something about improving yourself. Hunter “Patch” Adams is a medical student who failed to make it through the board exams. After months of suffering in melancholydepressionand suicidalattempts – he decided to seek medical attentionand voluntarily admitted himself in a psychiatric ward. His months of stay in the hospital led him to meeting different kinds of people. Sick people in that matter. He met a catatonic, a mentally handicapped person, a schizophrenicand so on. Patch found ways of treating his own ailment and finally realized he has to get back on track. He woke up one morning realizing that after all the failure to success and pains he has gone through, he still want to become a doctor. His positive attitudebrought him self-improvement and what is success in life. He didn’t only improve himself, but also the life of the people around him and their quality of life. Did he succeed? Needless to say, as the story goes, he became the best doctor America has ever known.

So, when does self improvement become success synonym? Where do we start? Here are some tips:

*Stop thinking and feeling as if you’re a failure, because you’re not. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept YOU?

*When you see hunks and models on TV, think more on free self improvement tips, not self pitying. Those people were selected to project a certain image. Self acceptance is not just about having nice slender legs, or great abs. Concentrate oninner beauty.

*When people feel so down and low about themselves, help them move up. Don’t go down with them. They’ll pull you down further and both of you will end up feeling inferior.

*The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a science quiz. There’s always a next time. Make room for self improvement.

*Take things one at a time. You don’t expect a black sheep to become a goody-two-shoes in just a snap of a finger. Self improvement is a one day at a time process.

*Self improvement results in inner stability, personality developmentand keys to SUCCESS at work. It comes from self confidenceself appreciationand self esteem.

Set meaningful and achievable goals.Self improvement doesn’t turn you to be the exact replica of Cameron Diaz or Ralph Fiennes. It aims at achieving results to an improved and better YOU.

*Appreciate others. Little things mean BIG to other people. Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do like a pat on the back, saying “hi” or “hello”, greeting someone “good day” or telling Mr. Smith something like “hey, I love your tie!” are simple things that mean so much to other people. When we are being appreciative about beautiful things around us and other people, we also become beautiful to them.

*When you are willing to accept change and go through the process of self improvement online, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. The world is a place where people have different values and attitudes. Sometimes, even if you think you and your best friend always like to do the same thing together at the same time, she would most likely decline an invitation for self improvement. (Be careful with this one. The other person may think you value them less unless they participate. This can precipitate many undesired results.)

Appreciate Where You are in Life

Very few people can be truly labelled as ‘over-night successes’. Either, they are just lucky, or they have been leading up to that moment with often years of working in the same area. It’s a wonderful feeling to hold on to the things that you already have now, realizing that those are just one of the things you once wished for. A very nice quote says, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” We are all here to learn our lessons. Our parents, school teachers, friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbours, etc… they are our teachers. When we open our doors for self improvement, we increase our opportunities for success.

“There really are no failures in life; only lessons to be learned.”

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Sunday, May 20, 2018


Global Economic Crisis Reveals Social Security System Isn’t Enough


There is a saying that goes:
Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.”
Indeed, bouncing back is the key. Everyone becomes agitated when they face a down period. Successful people bounce back. For instance, you may be unhappy at your job, but unable to afford to quit. While that’s probably a mature decision now, that does not mean that you are stuck in that job forever, even if you are a so-called older worker. Statistics show that 80 percent of people age 45 and older are considering a career change.

Read the Staggering Statistics

Your secret dream might have been to retire at 50 but unless you started retirement planningdecades ago or you are lucky and win the lottery, that’s not realistic. If you are like most of the population, you have very little saved in your nest egg. Most of the population has less than $5,000 saved.

A more realistic goal is to retire in your mid-60s, when Social Security benefitsbecome available. Indeed, 63 percent of the population age 65 and older is dependent on Social Security, friends, relatives or charity to get by, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Pathetic Results:

  • Only 4 percent will actually have enough capital stowed away for a proper retirement, while 1 percent will be wealthy.
  • An unlucky 3 percent will work until they are physically unable to carry on, many times because they just cannot afford to retire.
  • If you are scraping by on minimum wage or marginally better wages, you will probably be one of that 3 percent.
One way to break out of that trap is to adopt the mindset of J. Paul Gettywho said:
You must be in business for yourself. You will never get rich working for someone else.”

What to do…

How do you start? First, with good information. Many people from all walks of life benefit from ZOX Pro Training(Mental Photography). Don’t stand in the way of what could be yours. Longing for better circumstances?Start ZOXingand do Retirement Planningtoday.

Good Luck in your future…

For More Info : Visit Here :

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

If You’re Happy and You Know it… Clap Your Hands

Your Search For Happiness

Are You Truthful When You Say that You are Happy?

Most people actually do not know what it means to be happy, or what it takes to get there. The easiest example of this is the Self Improvement Industry. The Self Improvement industry caters to Unhappy people. It is our desire to be happy, happier, or a better person tomorrow than we are today. We are striving to be happy. As you know, they are many roads that lead to happiness, but few find that destination. Here is how to find happiness.

Many Roads Lead to Happiness — Few Find That Destination

You may remember hearing the hit single ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin’s simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.

Most of us would love to trade the worrisome life we have with one of carefree spontaneity. The joy of sleeping out under the stars on some remote sandy beach on a warm night with those you care most about. What an ideal picture to base life upon. Some of us actually do just that! You may have other preferences what your ideal life is like. Do you live it? Consider yourself lucky if you do.

Health Benefits of Being Happy

Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your healthand fitness. Being happyactually protects you from the stresses of life. Stressis linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancerand stroke.

Increasing happiness and finding happiness in life is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.

Even Abraham Lincolnobserved that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.

Pave a Path to Happiness

Here are a few ways by which you can do this:

Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.

News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can’t start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.

Laughand laugh heartily every day. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -‘Laughter is the best medicine’. … And laugh at the News you do get; although some will not understand why.

Work on things that you feel worthy of your time. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value.

Learning is a joyful exercise. Learn something new every day. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future.

Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.

Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places. But for those of you that live in those types of places, like many big cities, use meditationor prayerto quiet your mindfrom within. Then you can take back your world one small piece at a time.

These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.

Life is too short. Learn to enjoy it!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Where Is the Good News?

Aspirations Abandoned

A World with Little Imagination and even Less Aspiration!

Does “objective reporting” still exist?

a)In books?
b)Old wives tales?
c) For gullible people?
d) None of the above?

The times we are experiencing now make me want to break out into a tune of “Where Has All the Good News Gone? Long Time Passing. Where Has All the Good News Gone? Long Time Agosung to “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Look at the TV News.Where is the good news?
Look at the Newspapers and Magazines.Where is the good news?
Talk to people. Listento them. Where is the good news?

What are you doing to combat the negative information that is shoved down your throat daily?

We are currently experiencing a time where the media could shine a path to the salvationso many of us seek. But the dreary path makes for much bigger news. When was the last time you heard of people counting their blessings or stopping tosmell the roses? Seldom, if at all, unless you associate exclusively with steadfast optimists. It’s easy to be drawn into all the bad newsand negative people.

Arm yourself– The time is nigh to protect yourself and all you hold dear.

I have been hearing an undercurrent from potential clients who have not yet invested in their most important resource: themselves! They could afford my training, but they procrastinated. Now many of these people are finding that everything they hold dear is being stripped away from them with surgical precision. They have painted themselves into a corner.

Don’t let this happen to you!

There isno better investmentright now than to invest in yourself, your skills, and your capabilities. If you have already invested in our training, think of this as an opportunity to rally yourself into further action for good news.

For More Info : Visit Here :

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Integrity and Wellness – the Healing Power of Truth

Make up a list of the qualities that develop or supportyour integrity. Don’t use others’ beliefs as your benchmark. Dig deepinside yourself and discover your own values.

Integrity Does Have One Common Theme – Truth

Once you have developed your list, I want you to “embrace your truth.” Come to terms with who you are. Appreciate the journeyyou have experienced to date and the lessons you have learned.Remember, the obstacles you have encountered have molded you into the person you are today.

Be honest with yourself. That’s how you build integrity. Embracing your truth and rejoicing in your journey does not mean broadcasting your innermost secretspublically. In fact, this is an exercise that shouldn’t be shared. In doing this exercise in discovering your examples of integrityyou will find what does integrity mean to you and embrace the marvelous human being you are.

You will likely view the world differently and treat others differently as well. This is a good thing. Remember, under the Law of Attraction, how you treat others will be reflected back onto you!

The Impact of Integrity on Your Health

Your body, mind and spiritbecome weak and STRESSED when you don’t know your truth. It’s living a lie. You lose integrityand toughness and become vulnerableto Dis-Ease (literally NOT being at ease; translated as “disease.”) When your body is under stress, you aren’t as effective or efficient. By contrast, when you “live your truth” and start embracing the person you are, you gain resilience and strength. You ward off diseaseand become healthier overall. This doesn’t guarantee you will never get sick, but if you do catch a cold or the flu, your illness will be short-lived.

This Is What You Gain By Having Your Integrity

When you gain integrityin the workplace, you also gain momentumyou can use to achieve what you want. Your health will rebound new found energy.

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