Friday, November 20, 2020

10 Best Dressed Men in the Whitehouse – Trumped Up Controversial Fashion Leader


It is all about Trump

The reason I am writing to you today is there seems to be a loss of perspective when it comes to Donald Trump, the newest President of the United States of America. Yes, he does have a bold, brash, and sometimes caustic way of dealing with things. This tends to polarize people to be for or against him. What I am offering to you today is to look at things from a different perspective. The lesson here is, “things are not always what they seem”. In the end. It is still up to you to decide what you believe is right for you.

A Roller Coaster Ride Follows Donald Trump’s Success

People often forget in the past, the United States of America has had plenty of controversial leaders. However, today, we are more connected than ever before.  This lends availability to antagonists to be heard when they would never have been heard in the past. News no longer takes days. It is immediate and caustic. Rebuttals, Protests, and angry people paint the picture of dire consequences through Social Media and the Internet.

Get More Info :  10 Best Dressed Men in the Whitehouse – Trumped Up Controversial Fashion Leader

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Is Life Fair? Look at the World Naked, Laid Bare, and Nude


Have you always believed that life is inherently unfair, regardless of how much you wish that circumstances were otherwise? So why is life so unfair? One way to address the question is to visualize everyone in the world as “naked.” That includes you – me, EVERYONE! Reactions to this revealing turn of events would range from passion to loathing and from hysteria to phobias.

The phrase “the crowded elevator has more than one person in it.” would take on an entirely new meaning!
Sooner rather than later, the novelty would wear off and nudity would become the norm. Perversion would yield to curiosity, and finally nudity would become dull, even boring. Nudity presents a picture of who we are as human beings, without the trappings of culture and status.

Standing Naked…

At this point, some readers may hesitate to continue reading, while others are eagerly anticipating what is next. No matter where you stand, envision yourself in the Naked World. How would you feel? How would you behave? And to whom would you display fairness?

What would you present to inspire others to be fair to you?

You have just experienced a mental photography exercise!

In this exercise, you envisioned yourself in a different reality using Mental Photography techniques. This sort of visioning provides great perspective to the paradigm you carry at present. To understand yourself fully, you must frequently move out of your comfort zone. Because of your inherent mind-body connection, you may explore your boundaries with how to use Mental Photography. If you embrace the experience of being naked within, you can move beyond your mental boundaries to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic Memory Exercises

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Happy Clients Give Great Testimonials – Thank You

 Photographic Memory TrainingA Very Happy Satisfied Client Writes… 

Thank you so much for everything, I have learned so much in my journey and it´s only getting better and better. Your insights are of tremendous value and without it I wouldn´t have this acceleration. I would have never imagined that it would be possible to change beliefs on the fly.


Here are a few of the gains I have made over this short time since doing the training:

Increase in confidence

A significant increase in how I handle issues that life’s throws at me, I have the tools that allow me get out of the role of being a victim. My internal voice is not sabotaging me as much as it did in the past, matter of fact it´s quiet most of the time.

Loving myself

It increased my self-esteem. During that process I let go of guilt and resentment towards other people. I let go of the guilt I had stored unconsciously.

Restored balance in my own family

I projected my own insecurities on the people whom I actually hold very close and I have realized how my behavior has impacted them and their life. Thanks to programming I restored my relationships in an accelerated manner.

Appreciation of what I have in my life

Each programming session I state 10 things that I am grateful for, ranging from money, to family, friendships and personal growth. As a result I feel more positive and happy!

Mental Clarity

I experience increased clarity of what I want to achieve, and my purpose in life.

Law of Attraction

I was a skeptic initially. I have opened doors that otherwise wouldn´t be visible. This also includes the lessons I learned if and when you don´t follow the guidelines. The lesson I learned was pertaining to “claiming good to all concerned”, I programmed to get accepted at a university, which rejected me before, and on the phone I got told that it wouldn´t be possible. Manipulating the Law of Attraction without the safeguards in place made sure I got accepted at the university, but due to neglecting “claiming good to all concerned” I got unpleasant surprises that came along with it read more...

Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic Memory Training

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Power of Your Vocabulary – Have Fun With It

 Fun With Vocabulary

Your Word for Today is “Nimble”

Did you have a grade school teacher who insisted on teaching his or her students a “word of the day”? You were given the definition of the word, and then instructed to use it as much as possible during the day. While the word of the day is an effective means of learning single words, you would be reincarnated into several subsequent lifetimes by the time you could amass a substantial vocabulary by learning a single word every day.

That said, this message focuses on a single word: nimble. This interesting little word is a versatile adjective that can be used to describe various activities.

Synonyms for Nimble:

                    spry, agile, lively, active, quick, dexterous

OK – so now that you’ve learned the meaning of the word – here is an example of how to use the word “nimble” correctly in a sentence.

She has such a nimble gait to her walk.

Here is another you may recognize:

Jack be Nimble. Jack be quick. Jack Jumped over the candlestick!

Of course, accumulating a good vocabulary and understanding words on a surface level is not sufficient. You must understand words on a deeper level to gain a sense of their true vibration and impact.

Here is something fun for singles

The next time you find yourself in the company of a fascinating stranger and desire to break the ice, ask an intelligent question. Make your inquiry something that will make Mr. or Ms. Intriguing think a little, but not so difficult as to trigger a meltdown. You may generate a potentially beautiful friendship.

One possibility is to ask something like “How do you spell hyperbole?”  Just be sure to pronounce the word correctly. Whether or not your companion knows the correct spelling, the ice has been broken.

Hopefully you’ve found this brief foray into the world of words enjoyable and . . . nimble.  If you are not yet caught up, you have work to do. There’s a great training you should check out.  But I can’t recall what it’s called. The name was so catchy, too . . .

Get More Info : Visit Here : Training Photographic Memory

Friday, July 17, 2020


There is one certainty that each of us should look to when building Brain Power and using Mind Over Matter to solve our problems. We should look to those less fortunate. People just like you and me. People that find themselves in circumstances they never conceived would happen to them. People that never thought they would need to steel themselves against adversity to the level that some are forced to endure.
The immensity of the human spirit is immeasurable in the worst of times. Look to these people as a point of reference for overcoming adversity – a guiding light. Their lessons can be your guide.
In the wake of the Victoria Fires, it gave me the opportunity to look deep – to appreciate who and what I have around me. No matter what I may be dealing with at any given time, can compare to what others may be going through.
People that have taken the opportunity in their lives to develop their mental strength and abilities are also taking steps to prepare themselves against the hard times. Everyone has them, but when you have developed device to see yourself through to the other side of the hurdles, it makes the preparation very worthwhile.
Recently, someone suggested that I do some writing about the fires, the death, anguish, and heroism emerging like the rising phoenix when the fires hit Victoria Australia. I attempted to look at this as a topic of my writing, but I write from my heart and the truth. Since I had not been directly affected by the fires, I decided not to write about others experiences. I will leave that to the media. What I have decided to write about is my observations, and how I have used this opportunity to count my blessings.

Setting the Stage

Since my readers are International, I need to tell you a little about what was – before the fires. We had had a cool, lower than normal temperature, summer up to this point. Suddenly, we were having the highest ever recorded temperatures and southbound winds. This set up an extreme fire danger condition. For many years the residents of Victoria bushland had been worried of the buildup of native scrub compiling and creating an explosive fire danger read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here Mental Photography And Brain Management

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Photographic Memory TrainingDid you know you are what you perceive?

What you think about yourself becomes your reality your own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Do you know that your beliefs define your reality?

This limits you for everything you do in life, even success.

What is “Whole Brain Learning”?

There are ways that you can exercise your brain to become stronger Whole Brain Learning incorporates ALL parts of the brain And achieves great results.

Train the Functions of Your Brain

Beliefs create your reality. They may be your interpretation of who you are or your interpretation of what others think of your capabilities.
Beliefs are manifested in the conscious mind as well as in the subconscious mind. Your mind must be free of certain limiting beliefs before insight can occur spontaneously.
A quality of this insight is that you see the “whole” instantaneously, rather than only the “parts”.
Brain Management, using Mental Photography is a very advanced Whole Brain Learning and Hemispheric Balancing. It super-excites your brain on all levels of consciousness, simultaneously. This balance will guide you in reaching your full potential.
I believe some of the points listed here will give you a clearer insight and perspective into the person you are, AND the person you would like to be. Please just take a moment on each topic and ponder how such an idea might impact your life. We want the same thing that you want – to be HAPPY!

“You are what you perceive”

You must first realize “you are what you perceive”. Unless you change your inward consciousness, you cannot change your outward reality. You must see things as a whole and you are a part of that whole. The outside (of your life) integrally connects to the inside (what motivates you at a deeper level). By just using words (conscious level), without going within (subconscious), limits your results read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic Memory Training

Monday, June 22, 2020


LOOK at this list of GOOD NEWS ZOXing brings to you:

* Improve your memory
* Improve your ability to concentrate

* Increase your learning speed dramatically
* Increase your awareness and perception
* Recognize and trust your intuition and apply it in your daily life
* Require less sleep and become more productive
* Learn to relax and reduce stress

* Make phenomenal changes in your life quickly and efficiently
* Learn new methods of creative problem solving
* Become better organized
* Become happier!
If you’d like to improve in any or all of the above areas, we encourage you to start ZOXing by visiting:
Join us in our next blog post as we discuss ZOXing and memory improvement!
I Don’t Read, I ZOX !!!

For More Articles about ZOX Pro Training:

Get More Info : Visit Here Photographic Memory Exercises 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Best Speed Reading is NOT Speed Reading! It’s ZOXing!

Ah, speed reading!   If you’re like most people, speed reading probably conjures up romantic imagery of being able to just whip right through all kinds of wonderful books and poems and blogs and other types of documents at record speed.   You want to read as fast as possible so that you can get on with the life you want to live.  Sounds GREAT, doesn’t it?.
But, of course, the dream of speed reading doesn’t really reach enough people who DESPERATELY NEED IT!
And this is no fault of their own!
Many people will do their very best to diligently follow instructions to get the most out of standard speed reading courses.   However, try as they might, they never quite get the sensation that they can confidently read what they need to read in a short period of time.
And, too, in a certain sense, it’s not really the fault of the standard speed reading courses, either.
But, the truth of the matter is this: those traditional speed reading courses, just weren’t designed to be robust enough to help you get the very best out of speed reading…
Enter ZOXing!
Haven’t heard about it?  Don’t worry!  You will!  And you’ll be glad you did!  So, stay tuned to our blog as we share with you how the concept of ZOXing can help you with your speed reading and much, much, MUCH, much more read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here Photographic Memory Exercises

Friday, May 22, 2020


A government program (NAPLAN) to help inform families what quality, or lack of quality, schools Australia wide are demonstrating has been corrupted by the very same teaching industry it was meant to support.
The focal point is an Internet based comparison of schools across the nation.  This would also represent where families may prefer to move their children to more prominently positioned schools.  So, by creation of the comparisons that were easily accessible by concerned families, it forced the school system to face the words that strike fear into the heart of traditional teachers everywhere – “Outcome Based Teaching”.
Before I get started, please recognize that this article is not meant to villainize anyone.  Teachers and school administrators are human, with human responses to circumstances presented to them.  It is unfortunate that a few bad apples spoil it for the lot.  The ramifications of the actions of the few have caused much grief for everyone concerned.
But, even beyond this vile action, teachers everywhere need to remember how much they influence the next generation of adults in the ways they think, act and feel about issues that will crop up in their adult life.  If their sense of justice is skewed, so will the results in how they address their circumstances.
Moving on…
So, let’s first discover why this would cause teachers and school administrators to support such dire actions.  When people move their children to a more affluent school, the school they left loses money.  OUCH! The money then is given to the school that gains more students.  The more affluent school then is attracting more money.  (That’s good for the administration of that school.)  So really it all comes down to money, NOT quality of education.
Now, let’s find out what these enterprising teachers and administrators chose to do to keep their position, or even raise their position, with regards of this new charted system.  Standardized tests were given out to all the schools.  Testing was to be scheduled, proctored, and the individual students were NOT to be coached on answering the questions on the test in any way.  Therefore, the results of the tests would show which schools were doing a better job teaching their students than their counterparts read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here : Training Photographic Memory

Monday, May 4, 2020

Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter

Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter

Intuition, Insight, Knowledge, Invention, and Lateral Thinking
Today’s lesson is about Lateral Thinking, Invention, Mind Over Matter, and the Power of Thought. Insights and intuition come from the subconscious mind. These are just a couple of pieces that give you subconscious power over things in your life.

Intuition, Insights, and Predictions

I like to make predictions form time to time to see how accurate I am. Most people invent based on solving problems. Some people invent based upon need, and insight of how to solve the need. Some people take the high road altogether and allow the universe to tell them what to invent, whether it is needed or not, or if it solves any problem that currently exists. Some scientists write this off as statistical extrapolation and an over-active imagination. Maybe it is.
If you have lived any type of life at all, you will have had an experience like this: You are going along doing whatever it is you do. Some thing or event triggers something in you that says, “I could really use a Widget right now.” (A ‘widget’ is some ‘thing’ that is usually a concept or idea.) You suddenly come to the realization that you have never seen anything like your ‘widget’.

Is ‘Necessity’ Really the Mother of Invention?

At that point, you are given an opportunity to invent, market, and distribute your widget. But, for whatever reason, you decide not to invent your ‘widget’. Then, 6 months to a year later, you are going through the aisle of a store, and THERE is your ‘widget’. Someone else had the same insight as you did that the world was to have this ‘widget’. But, like so many other things that happen in life, it wasn’t you that took action on this. That is fine too. It is your life you are living – not someone else’s life read more...
For More info : Visit Here : Photographic Memory Exercises