Great things happen here! It's true, and when you've read this book you'll understand why. As for the Jackfruit tree, I am not about to spoil it and tell you, you must read the ebook to find out.
This book will introduce you to concepts that will change your view of intelligence, of reading, to the very core of learning. If you think you know about speed reading, photographic memory (or eidetic memory). Think again. Shannon Panzo Ph.D. introduces the concept of "Mental Photography" and his "ZOX Pro Training" system which makes traditional 'speed reading' look very slow indeed.
Shannon exclaims, "Life is not meant to be orderly, but tends to be a collection of random events we consider and learn by." It is with this in mind that we all need brain training and immeasurably improve our memory to equip us to deal with all these random events.
Dr. Panzo also says "I have filled my life with boundless information by using my natural photographic memory and a technique called Mental Photography. I have more interest than any 10 people. Seeking and learning is a very fulfilling way of life for me...
Read this set of short stories to give you a snapshot of things that fill my life with intrigue."
This is a stimulating read to really get you thinking and energized to pursue your personal developemnt.
Great Things Happen Here!
Price: $3.52
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