Friday, May 22, 2020


A government program (NAPLAN) to help inform families what quality, or lack of quality, schools Australia wide are demonstrating has been corrupted by the very same teaching industry it was meant to support.
The focal point is an Internet based comparison of schools across the nation.  This would also represent where families may prefer to move their children to more prominently positioned schools.  So, by creation of the comparisons that were easily accessible by concerned families, it forced the school system to face the words that strike fear into the heart of traditional teachers everywhere – “Outcome Based Teaching”.
Before I get started, please recognize that this article is not meant to villainize anyone.  Teachers and school administrators are human, with human responses to circumstances presented to them.  It is unfortunate that a few bad apples spoil it for the lot.  The ramifications of the actions of the few have caused much grief for everyone concerned.
But, even beyond this vile action, teachers everywhere need to remember how much they influence the next generation of adults in the ways they think, act and feel about issues that will crop up in their adult life.  If their sense of justice is skewed, so will the results in how they address their circumstances.
Moving on…
So, let’s first discover why this would cause teachers and school administrators to support such dire actions.  When people move their children to a more affluent school, the school they left loses money.  OUCH! The money then is given to the school that gains more students.  The more affluent school then is attracting more money.  (That’s good for the administration of that school.)  So really it all comes down to money, NOT quality of education.
Now, let’s find out what these enterprising teachers and administrators chose to do to keep their position, or even raise their position, with regards of this new charted system.  Standardized tests were given out to all the schools.  Testing was to be scheduled, proctored, and the individual students were NOT to be coached on answering the questions on the test in any way.  Therefore, the results of the tests would show which schools were doing a better job teaching their students than their counterparts read more...
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Monday, May 4, 2020

Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter

Invention, Prediction, and The Power of the Mind Over Matter

Intuition, Insight, Knowledge, Invention, and Lateral Thinking
Today’s lesson is about Lateral Thinking, Invention, Mind Over Matter, and the Power of Thought. Insights and intuition come from the subconscious mind. These are just a couple of pieces that give you subconscious power over things in your life.

Intuition, Insights, and Predictions

I like to make predictions form time to time to see how accurate I am. Most people invent based on solving problems. Some people invent based upon need, and insight of how to solve the need. Some people take the high road altogether and allow the universe to tell them what to invent, whether it is needed or not, or if it solves any problem that currently exists. Some scientists write this off as statistical extrapolation and an over-active imagination. Maybe it is.
If you have lived any type of life at all, you will have had an experience like this: You are going along doing whatever it is you do. Some thing or event triggers something in you that says, “I could really use a Widget right now.” (A ‘widget’ is some ‘thing’ that is usually a concept or idea.) You suddenly come to the realization that you have never seen anything like your ‘widget’.

Is ‘Necessity’ Really the Mother of Invention?

At that point, you are given an opportunity to invent, market, and distribute your widget. But, for whatever reason, you decide not to invent your ‘widget’. Then, 6 months to a year later, you are going through the aisle of a store, and THERE is your ‘widget’. Someone else had the same insight as you did that the world was to have this ‘widget’. But, like so many other things that happen in life, it wasn’t you that took action on this. That is fine too. It is your life you are living – not someone else’s life read more...
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