Friday, July 17, 2020


There is one certainty that each of us should look to when building Brain Power and using Mind Over Matter to solve our problems. We should look to those less fortunate. People just like you and me. People that find themselves in circumstances they never conceived would happen to them. People that never thought they would need to steel themselves against adversity to the level that some are forced to endure.
The immensity of the human spirit is immeasurable in the worst of times. Look to these people as a point of reference for overcoming adversity – a guiding light. Their lessons can be your guide.
In the wake of the Victoria Fires, it gave me the opportunity to look deep – to appreciate who and what I have around me. No matter what I may be dealing with at any given time, can compare to what others may be going through.
People that have taken the opportunity in their lives to develop their mental strength and abilities are also taking steps to prepare themselves against the hard times. Everyone has them, but when you have developed device to see yourself through to the other side of the hurdles, it makes the preparation very worthwhile.
Recently, someone suggested that I do some writing about the fires, the death, anguish, and heroism emerging like the rising phoenix when the fires hit Victoria Australia. I attempted to look at this as a topic of my writing, but I write from my heart and the truth. Since I had not been directly affected by the fires, I decided not to write about others experiences. I will leave that to the media. What I have decided to write about is my observations, and how I have used this opportunity to count my blessings.

Setting the Stage

Since my readers are International, I need to tell you a little about what was – before the fires. We had had a cool, lower than normal temperature, summer up to this point. Suddenly, we were having the highest ever recorded temperatures and southbound winds. This set up an extreme fire danger condition. For many years the residents of Victoria bushland had been worried of the buildup of native scrub compiling and creating an explosive fire danger read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here Mental Photography And Brain Management

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Photographic Memory TrainingDid you know you are what you perceive?

What you think about yourself becomes your reality your own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Do you know that your beliefs define your reality?

This limits you for everything you do in life, even success.

What is “Whole Brain Learning”?

There are ways that you can exercise your brain to become stronger Whole Brain Learning incorporates ALL parts of the brain And achieves great results.

Train the Functions of Your Brain

Beliefs create your reality. They may be your interpretation of who you are or your interpretation of what others think of your capabilities.
Beliefs are manifested in the conscious mind as well as in the subconscious mind. Your mind must be free of certain limiting beliefs before insight can occur spontaneously.
A quality of this insight is that you see the “whole” instantaneously, rather than only the “parts”.
Brain Management, using Mental Photography is a very advanced Whole Brain Learning and Hemispheric Balancing. It super-excites your brain on all levels of consciousness, simultaneously. This balance will guide you in reaching your full potential.
I believe some of the points listed here will give you a clearer insight and perspective into the person you are, AND the person you would like to be. Please just take a moment on each topic and ponder how such an idea might impact your life. We want the same thing that you want – to be HAPPY!

“You are what you perceive”

You must first realize “you are what you perceive”. Unless you change your inward consciousness, you cannot change your outward reality. You must see things as a whole and you are a part of that whole. The outside (of your life) integrally connects to the inside (what motivates you at a deeper level). By just using words (conscious level), without going within (subconscious), limits your results read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic Memory Training